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"B-becky. Uhh... Why are you here? I mean, to what do I owe your sudden visit?" Heidi stuttered due to the unexpected situation.

She looked closely at the quiet girl who suddenly barged into her office. She looks a bit pale and thinner than she remembers, though her belly can't go unnoticed as it is now very round and big.

"Heidi. I won't beat around the bush anymore. I went here quickly as soon as I got the news. Do you know where Freen is?"

The question, took the older girl aback, as she didn't expect Becky to find out, especially, not this quickly. How did she find out though?

There was a round of silence between the two, so the younger decided to break it once more because she really need an answer.

"Heidi, please, I know were not on good terms and I have no right to ask anything from you, but please, for the sake of our baby, tell me where she is."

"I... I don't know what you're talking about, Armstrong. I have no idea where Freen is." Heidi hesitantly replied, trying to keep her promise to Freen.

"It's Mrs. Chankimha to you. And please, don't deny it. Someone took pictures of you during your vacation, hugging someone and posted them online. It's even all over the news. And I am a hundred percent sure that that the person you were hugging is my wife. Though she has her back facing the camera on the picture, I am certain that it is her. I have been with her since childhood. I would recognize her in a crowd of people anytime."

"I'm sorry. You must be mistaken. I didn't see her." Amanda still denied the accusations firmly, frustrating the pregnant woman. But she has to hold it in. She is the one who is asking a favor here. She has to be patient, for her baby.

Becky sighed, closing her eyes tight before slowly lowering herself, kneeling in front of the company's CEO.

"Oh my gosh! Becky, stand up! You don't have to do this." Seeing the girl's action, Heidi quickly ran to where she is now kneeling, trying to help her up, but she stood her ground.

"No. I need to. If I have to kneel and beg for you to tell me her whereabouts, I will. Please, Heidi. I am willing to do anything. I will give you anything in return, just tell me where she is." At this point, she was already crying, and Heidi can't help but feel guilty at the sight, but then she remembered Freen's crying face.

"No, Heidi, you can't be easily swayed. This is all her fault. She has to face the consequences." Her mind argued.

"I'm sorry, Becky, but I can't. I promised Freen not to tell anyone her location. Please, just leave her alone. She no longer wants to have anything to do with you. You broke her heart. Let her heal. Just be happy with your future family instead."

Becky just continued crying hard, knowing full well that the girl is right. It was her fault, and Freen has every right to want her out of her life.

"I know it was my fault. I was stupid. But I regret everything now. I promise, I will never hurt her again. Just, please, give me a chance. I would love to be happy with my future family, but how can we be happy if my baby's Dada is missing?" Becky replied, looking straight into the girl's eyes.

"Your baby's Dada? You mean..."

"It's Freen's. I am carrying our child." Becky said with a small smile, carressing her belly warmly.

"But... But I thought you have another lover? Freen said that that was one of the reasons why she left. And how can that happen? I thought you despised her? How can you turn out to be pregnant with her child?"

"As I said, I was stupid. I never loved Nop, I just used him for my childish desire to get my long wanted divorce. I never really treated him like a real lover, so it would be impossible for this child to be his. During that time, I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I have long been in love with my wife. Sadly, before I can even confess to her, I already lost her. This is why I'm desperately looking for her. She has to know that I am in love with her. She has to know that we are having a child. I don't care even if she doesn't accept my feelings, but I can never let our baby grow up without her, and I can never let her be in the dark about the fact that she is going to have a child. I know how much she loves children and that she would love to have one of her own. So, I wanted her to be there in every step of our baby's life, even before it's born; hence, my desperate search. I know she would love to be part of the journey. I can never take that away from her."

Heidi just remained quiet, trying to take in all the information, contemplating what she should do.

"Becky, I-I'm sorry..."

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