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Becky woke up in a daze, still dizzy. She looked around and saw an all white room. She's in the hospital.

She was about to get up when the door opened. She smiled a bit thinking that it might be Freen but was disappointed to find a doctor and Irin entering instead.

"Beck! You're awake." Her best friend proceeded to her side and assisted her in sitting on the bed.

"What happened, Irin? Why am I here? Where's my wife?"

Her question was left unanswered as her friend only avoided her gaze and looked down upon hearing it.

She gazed up to the doctor who reluctantly smiled to her before informing her about a news that would change her whole life completely.

"Mrs. Chankimha, I'm Dr. Saint. How are you feeling? Are you still dizzy?

"Not anymore, doc. What happened?"

"Well, you lost consciousness in the mall. But, nothing to worry about, it's normal with your condition."

"Condition? What condition? Am I sick, doc?"

"No, ma'am, in fact, I would like to congratulate you. You're 5 weeks pregnant..." That's the last thing Becky heard, as everything in her surroundings seemed to have blacked out on her after hearing those words.

She's pregnant. She's carrying a life. A life she made with Freen.

Speaking of Freen. Where is she? Isn't she back? She should know about this. She would be so happy.

She unconsciously touched her still flat belly and smiled, imagining a little Freen growing inside of her.

When the doctor left, Becky was also pulled out of her trance. She quickly looked at the other person in the room to look for her baby's other parent.

"Irin, where's Freen? Does she know about the baby? Is she buying food for me? What is taking her so long?"

"Becky..." her friend seemed conflicted, looking at her sadly. "We still haven't found her."

"No! I saw her earlier. I even ran after her in the mall, remember?" She hysterically said, about to lose control.

It's been a few weeks after her wife left. Their friends took turns in accompanying her. Taking care of her. But in the past few days, she seems to be missing her a lot more as she often hallucinates, seeing her in everywhere she goes. Like earlier this day.

She finally went out after so long and went to the mall with Irin after a lot of convincing. Suddenly, as they were walking around, she saw a familiar figure.

It's Freen! Becky was certain. So, she ran after her, leaving the confused Irin to chase after her. She kept running, desperate to find the girl she misses the most, only to lose her in the crowd.

In desperation, she cried out her frustrations in the middle of the mall, soon losing consciousness, finally ending up in the hospital.

"The doctor said, it might just be your hallucinations. You miss her too much that you seeing her even if she's not there."

"That's not true! I know what I saw! Freen came back for me... For us." She became emotional thinking of what might happen to them. She needed Freen now more than ever. They need her.

Tears kept running down her face as her best friend consoled her. Hugging her and rubbing her back.

"Stop crying, please, Becbec. That's not good for the baby. You're making it sad too."

"What am I supposed to do now, Irin? Everything's a mess. I ruined it. Now, I'm also dragging this innocent baby into the results of my stupidity." Becky was sobbing uncontrollably, even if she wanted so much to stop for the sake of their baby. "What kind of mother am I? I took away its chance to meet its other parent."

"Oh, Becky. I don't know what to say, but you have to be strong, for you and for the baby...

Especially as you only have each other now." Irin sadly reminded her.

No! She can't let their baby live without Freen and vice versa. Freen would definitely come back to them if she found out about their baby. She would never abandon her child. Becky just has to look for her more.

Freen had always been the one sacrificing to make their relationship work. Maybe, this time, she has to be the one to put an effort for the two of them. For the sake of their baby. For their little family.

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