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It's been two months and her baby bump is already starting to show, but still no signs of Freen.

She and their friends and even Richie have been looking for her non-stop, but to no avail.

This makes her think of how serious their current situation is. Her wife is obviously hiding and doesn't want to be found. This is all her fault.

She caresses her almost flat belly before stepping into her parent's house where she is to meet both her and Freen's parents. She finally decided to tell them about the situation and seek their help. They don't know about anything as of the moment, because she didn't want them to worry, thinking that they can resolve it on their own. But, it seems like that is no longer the case.

They were already in the dining room when she arrived, happily talking to each other like they usually do. She wonders if she should still tell them what she intends to knowing it will only to take their smiles off their faces.

With a sigh she approached them with a fake smile.

"Mom, Dad, Ma, Pa, it's been a while."

"Becky. It's so good to see you, dear."

She was welcomed with kisses and hugs by their parents, who were glad to see her.

"So, what is it that you wanted to say, Becca? Why did you invite us here? And where is Freen?" Freen's dad asked after a while.


This was definitely harder that what she imagined. The situation itself is making her dizzy, but she has to do this. They have to know what is happening between them.

"Mom, Dad, Ma, Pa, I'm sorry." Before she can even explain, she burst out crying, startling the other four on the table.

They tried to console the sobbing girl, with her dad even standing to hug her while her mom rubbed her back.

"Tell us what is wrong, baby. Let it all out." Her mother-in-law said, obviously worried.

"I did a lot of bad things and it's now hunting me back. I'm a very bad person. I have not been a good wife to Freen, Ma, Pa. She has been covering up for me for the longest time. I have been doing all bad things that I could to get her to divorce me, but she wouldn't. She still treated me with love and care, but I never reciprocated it, nor acknowledged it even. That's not all. I have treated her badly since our teenage years. I was rebelling, and she has been one of my go to outlets for my anger. I have treated her like trash for years, but she still treated me like a precious gem. But I think I have finally pushed her past her breaking point this time, because she finally gave up on me. My wife left me, Mom. She left me with signed divorce papers. She no longer wants me in her life..."


"I should be happy, right? Because that has been my goal since I learned about our engagement, but I am far from happy, because I realized too late that I actually love her. I have been in love with her since we were kids. I was just stupid enough to realize how I felt. That the reason why I always wanted her near no matter how much I pushed her away, and how much I hate seeing her with others or having other people admire her was because I love her. I am in love with my wife. But she got tired of my stupid self, and now she's not coming back. She left me. And I wasn't even able to tell her love her and that I'm sorry for all the shit I put her through." Becky tried her best to explain while crying, though she knows how disorganized and random everything she spilled was, but what can she do, her mind is a mess, she can't think straight, not without her Freen.

Their parents only looked at her with pity. They were speechless about what she said. They had no idea about what she just told them. They thought that the two had a good relationship. They never saw them in bad terms because as they girl said, Freen always made it a point to make it seem like their relationship was fine.

Freen's parents didn't even notice that she was gone from the company, because Richie, Nam, and Heng had been covering for her duties.

It was Freen's dad who recovered first and decided to ask Becky, "What do you mean Freen left, honey? When did this happen?"

"She left us, Pa. She's been missing for 2 months already. Our friends and I, together with Richie, have been looking all over for her, but we can't find her. This is why I decided to finally ask for your help. Please, help me. Please, help me get her back. I can't live without her. We can't live without her. I love her so much." She replied, caressing her stomach while looking at it tenderly. It was like she was trying to give it comfort. Their poor unborn child who sadly had to be in the middle of the mess she made. But she's happy that they're having him/her, because she is sure as hell that the only reason she's surviving the days without her wife is because of their baby. Without it, she would no longer be here. She would've given up.

"Us? We? What do you mean, Becbec?" Her mom curiously asked, noticing what she did.

"I'm pregnant mom. Freen and I are having a baby. Please... Please, help us get its daddy back. I can't let them live without each other." Becky admitted and begged, now full on sobbing, shocking the other four people in the room.

They really have to find her wife. They all determinedly thought.

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