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"Hi, Bb. Good morning!" Freen told her, flashing her that ever charming smile. She was still in her pyjamas with an apron over, cooking breakfast for the both of them.

Becky walked slowly into the kitchen, supporting her baby bump that has now become as big as a watermelon. Seeing this, her wife quickly turned the stove off, and reached for her to help her to the table.

She smiled at the gesture, sitting on her usually spot, watching as her wife went back to cooking.

She rested her chin on her hands which were in a praying position. She can't help but think of how lucky she is to have such an attentive and loving wife, taking care of her throughout her pregnancy; she and their little bean are so lucky to have a Freen Sarocha Chankimha.

"Hey! What is it? Is there any problem, baby? You've been out of it just smiling weirdly. Did I do anything funny?" Her wife asked, turning off the stove once more, as she finished cooking.

"No, babe. It's just that I was thinking, what in the world I have ever done to deserve you."

Her wife was rendered speechless with her statement, eyes slowly looking teary. Quickly approaching her and enveloping her in a heartfelt hug.

It was warm. So warm that it radiates the feeling of love that she knows the other wanted to convey.

"Oh, honey. It is I who's lucky to have you. I love you so much. Both of you. You are the world to me, and I promise to do everything for you guys." She kissed her before kneeling and kissing their little bean, looking at her belly affectionately, touching it so softly.

"You are one lucky baby, darling. I am sure that your mother will love you so so much." Becky thought with a smile, looking at the interaction.

"Wait a sec, babe. I'll just get something." With that, Freen strode to where she was cooking earlier, retrieving something on the counter. She returned with a maternity book on her hand.

According to her, she was reading it to be ready for their baby. She wanted to be there for him/her in every step. She wanted to learn all that she can to be the best mother to their child. This made Becky's heart flutter more.

"Look, love. According to what I read a while ago, our baby is about this big now. Also, we should talk to him/her. Though babies don't understand what we are saying yet, they can feel the love and affection we are sending through it. That's why I've been talking to our little bean whenever you're asleep. We converse quietly to bond." She happily said, kneeling in front of her wife.

"Oh, so you've been cheating and trying to get our child's affection, so he/she will love you more than me, huh?" Becky playfully said, crossing her arms in front of her chest to add more effect.

Seeing this, Freen was rattled and didn't know what to do, as she didn't want her wife to sulk. She stood up and crouched to gently caress her wife's face to soothe her, not knowing that she is just being played by the younger.

"It's not like that, honey. I was just trying to bond with our baby. I didn't intend to do what you said. And one more thing, you spend more time with the baby, so I think he/she will love you more, as you have sacrificed a lot more just to make sure he/she will grow healthy and strong till he/she is ready to come out to the world." She says looking at her wife lovingly.

Becky wanted to continue pretending to be sulking but with what she heard, she realized how the other girl treasured her, so she grabbed her collar and pulled her in for a sweet kiss.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" The older asked in between their kisses.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever, you sweet talker. Now, kiss me more." The younger replied, but when she opened her eyes, she was gone. Everything around her was gone. Their house, the food, the book, her Freen. Everything was gone and all she could see was darkness.

This made her panic. She tried running with no direction. Shouting Freen's name but to no avail. That's when she realized that Freen has already left her, and that everything she saw earlier was an illusion created by her lonely brain. She's alone. Freen is gone.

That's what triggered her to wake up. She was sweating profusely and breathing quickly like she was just on a race.

It was a dream. It was all just a dream. What bittersweet dream it was, making her see the life she should have had if she was not stupid. If she did not push away the only person who loved her unconditionally.

She cried and cried. Thinking of that life. Thinking of the future. Thinking of the child that will live without her other mother. Freen, where are you?

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