Jax: He following you? You...Taylor, you haven't been so jumpy before.

Taylor: No, no, I'm fine...*He nodded as he picked up the bags. Abel held his moms hand and Jax pushed the stroller. He looked around as they walked inside but saw no sign of Joe*

Abel: Gam!

Gemma: Hey baby...*Taylor put Abel on the bed with Gemma*...Taylor, did anyone come by the house?...*They looked at her as she zoned out*

Jax: Babe?

Taylor: Huh? Yeah, what happened?

Jax: Op, can you watch them...*Opie nodded*...Come here...*Jax walked her outside*...What is the matter with you?

Taylor: Nothing.

Jax: Seriously? Taylor, why are you lying to me? I am your husband!...*She saw his eyes glow again and looked in disbelief*...Wha?

Taylor: Nothing. I'm just tired.

Jax: Tired? Taylor, you are hardly sleeping. Waking up at random hours of the night. I can barely even touch you anymore.

Taylor: Drop it.

Jax: Is he following you?

Taylor: No.

Jax: Is he raping you!?

Taylor: No.

Jax: Are you pregnant with Uhtred?

Taylor: No.

Jax: Come on! Taylor, what is this?

Taylor: I said nothing...*He nodded*

Jax: Fine...*He walked back in with Gemma. Taylor sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. She sat down and cried. Taylor didn't want to think about it, feel any of it and wanted to run from it. But she couldn't, her boys needed her and she couldn't leave them again. Taylor cleared her throat as Pam was calling*

Taylor: Hey.

Pam: So...

Taylor: Eric okay?

Pam: He's worried. He's been feeling you. He told me about what has been happening with...You okay? You tell Jax?

Taylor: Yeah...*Pam sighed as she knew her sister*

Pam: Taylor, I can hear it in your voice.

Taylor: He...*Eric heard her breakdown. It drove him to anger because he knew what that meant*

Eric: I'm on my way.

Taylor: No, no. It'll just cause trouble.

Eric: Love, has he touched you?...*She didn't answer*...Has he been touching you?...*She didn't answer*...Then I am on my way. I'll leave once nightfall hits. I need to sleep.

Jax: He's dead...*Taylor turned around as she hung up*

Taylor: Jax.

Jax: Why didn't you tell me?

Taylor: Because I saw him walk out of Zobelle's shop. He walked out talking with his guys. I know the beef that's going on between you guys and I...I didn't want to cause more trouble.

Jax: He bothered you in front of the boys today?...*She nodded yes and he sighed. He hugged her and she cried*...He's dead. Do you hear me? He is dead...*They walked back in the room together and Abel held his arms out for his mom*...We have a problem.

Clay: What's wrong?

Jax: Joe is with Zobelle. He's not really a son. He's a rat on the inside. Taylor saw them today.

A Vampire Life | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now