chapter 142 the vows

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*Tamaki said with a soft smile as they watched the movie together but Tamaki's heart just wasn't in it*

Tamaki"wonder what you would do if I was the one who died love, you were always the more bold of the two of us"

*Tamaki said with a sad smile thinking of his late wife, Tamaki was more tired then he thought as she fell alseep half way through. Penelope seeing this kissed his father's cheek and covered him with the couch blanket*

Back to Japan

*We see izuku in his couch frowning looking at the empty piece of paper taunting him, humiliating him as he was in a complete blank. Izuku had to write his vows*

Chizome:you know it's not that hard

Izuku;don't even, you and mom didn't do vows hell you both decided to just get married at city hall

Chizome:we were simple people, simple people with big university Debt so we couldn't afford a big wedding

Izuku:heh, bet your regretting going to university to be a doctor now aren't yah

Chizome:oh you have no idea, your grandparents would be so proud of me right now

Izuku;hey yeah I never did met them

Chizome: count your blessings for that your grandparents....aren't the people you would miss

Izuku;there's a story there huh?

Chizome:maybe if your interested I'll tell you in another chapter of your life but for now don't get distracted, write

Izuku;I don't even know what to write about I mean i have so many things I want to say but I know I can't say it all how do I describe the woman that's literally been with me through the good times and the bad times how much I love her, how do I tell her In a few words just how much she means to me. How do I....

Chizome:how do you breath? Calm down and follow my breath, breath in and breath out

*Izuku sighed since he knew his father was right, he was over thinking things, so with a deep breath he holds it in his lungs for a few seconds and then breaths it out he repeated this until he was able to gain control of his senses and came back to the real world*


Izuku:not really but I'm more calm

Chizome:then yes. now

*Chizome sat down next to izuku and hugged his shoulder*

Chizome:I may not have been...the most romantic person when I was with your mother but i changed im much more romantic

Izuku:yeah because if not you'll end up being chased and end up in the evening news for forgetting you 1 year anniversary

*Izuku said with a smirk as chizome groaned loudly remembering that day, he still has a huge bullet scar on his back from that day. Izuku just laughed when chizome groaned as his mood was lifted remembering how kaina got all dressed up even putting on make up only for his father to forget and stay in his home playing video games, izuku got a mental image at how kaina looked that day and his laughing became louder*

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