Peat : 11

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My cheeks hurt but I don’t care I stare at the person who caused it with a bold gaze

“Khun Cream....just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean I’m not brave to you, I’m just showing....the reason why you got rejected.”

At first after I thought harder...., I got a call from Boss he told me to keep quiet but not to disconnect the call, I obeyed him and.... after that I listened to a fact that made me not hesitate to make a choice...

It turns out...Fort is the owner of the necklace that I’ve been guarding for be honest, I don’t know anything about it...because I had a small accident that caused some of my memories disappear

I just know someone gave me this necklace, but I don’t know who it was...

After hearing the long explanation, and also about him trying to find me, I got out of the car and told Ana


“I’ll go!,” I said.


What are you doing here?”, a girl in an expensive dress approached me.



“I asked”

 “What’s the point of answering you, who are you? he is N’Fort’s boyfriend,” Ana advanced.

“What boyfriend, he’s not worthy of Fort at all”

“You are more unworthy,” Ana said again.


“I’ll send the guards to chase you away.”


“Worthy or not.......I admit I’m not worthy for Fort,” I said.

Ana was beside me whispering something to Noeul who didn’t know when he came... then Noeul approached Nick

“It’s good that you’re self-aware”,said N'Cream

“You are rich, you are beautiful, you have everything except one thing”

 “...”, the face in front of me looked confused.

Fort’s heart...

“We’ve been dating for a long time”, she was not to be outdone.

“Really, then why didn’t he ever say it?”, Boss asked.

“Fort likes know, he keeps following me every day..., he keeps bothering me, doesn’t leave even if I kick him out, he’s also very first I doubted his feelings...but now I’m sure....he loves me”

I don’t know what I’m I really going to snatch someone else’s fiancé?


“Huh....he’s just playing with you.”

LET ME HAVE CRUSH ON YOU [ENG VER COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now