Fort : 07

390 17 1



"Don't you have any assignment? I can help phi", I don't know what to say...

Since the day I follow him, I've been helping him with his assignments and he also helps me study sometimes...

At first I thought our relationship would improve a bit after that day, but it didn't at all...

P'Peat still likes to put on a straight face, fierce voice when talking to me

Hoooiii why is it so hard to melt this man's heart 😖

But wait...he's actually changed a bit, I've seen him blush a lot, but he's always been very good at hiding it...

he also still kicked me around a lot, but I always used my thick face to be shameless and say a thousand words to get him to give in and eventually he relented a little...

"Phi let me in?"

"Do you want to leave if I kick you out?"

"of course and no"

In addition, he also often said...

"You're sleeping on the floor, this place is so cramped but why don't you leave, a rich person like you didn't deserve to be treated like this."

"It's true....but I'm willing to be treated like this by the person I like..."

"You are shameless"

"Want to embarrass me?"

I asked while looking down to see my junior...


That's how I ended up at his condo almost every day and he didn't say anything else either...

"My work is all I just want to rest," he said and sat down on the sofa.

" too"


he screamed as I rested my head on his lap

"I want to rest," he said

"Me too."

he looked at me as if cursing me but I don't care, I was a shameless person 😊

Silence enveloped our surroundings, I opened my phone playing games while he watched cartoons on my laptop 😁



"why do you like me?"

"because phi is so cute"

"That's it?"

"And I'm also curious...."

"if you only want sex you should go find someone else"

"I don't think about that phi, I like phi because P'Peat is P'Peat, phi doesn't look at people by what they have, by their faces, by their abilities...I admit at first I thought phi was very arrogant...but the more I'm around phi every day the more I realize...phi isn't actually's just that phi doesn't know how to express yourself"

"It's like you picked me up and slammed me down"

"Want to try it? Is the phi mattress strong?"


"I'm also curious, I'm so handsome everyone likes me but why you didn't?"

"Narcissistic, is that it?"

"Phi keeps a straight face, when blushing you will bite your lips..., Your skin also very white.... to be honest, when we help each other, I want more."


"I know...I sound like an obsessed psychopath, but listen to me phi...that night I admit I lost control of myself and when I realized it....I really wanted to hit myself."

"Fort... if one day you get tired of me... you don't have to say it, just leave and don't come back", he said that made me feel hurt but I also understood because before I was not worthy to be called a real man...

"Phi......I like phi a lot...I won't...mmmmm", his soft lips touched mine...

He kissed me


"I'm sorry Fort..."

"w-why phi?"

"Since that day...I've also always been...."

he got up from his chair....

No, I won't let you escape!!!

Therefore I quickly held his hand ignoring his cries, got up and pressed his body against the sofa, I straddled him then kissed his lips gently.

His hands were wrapped around my back...

As I sucked his lips he moaned softly to the point that I started unbuttoning his shirt...

"Phi...if you doesn't want to continue..."

"That's not it...."


"It's still early.... I mean...", he looked at the open curtains.

"tonight?", I asked.


Ahhh but what if he changes his mind tonight?



I rushed to close the curtains, lock the windows..., lock the doors...

"Is this good?", I asked.


Today...I will prove I will only have P'Peat, and P'Peat will only be mine!!!

To Be Continued

LET ME HAVE CRUSH ON YOU [ENG VER COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant