S2 E17: Pups Save An Outlaw's Loot! Introducing Paw Patrol Bronze!

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March 2nd, 2030

Ben and Alex weren't around for once. Yesterday, after Ben's interview on Good Morning Adventure Bay, they had asked Ryder to take some time off in order to attend to some personal matters in Adventure City. Ryder had been a bit hesitant, but Ben assured him that this was temporary and in no way, shape, or form was he or Alex quitting the team. "I have some personal projects I would like to work on." Ben cryptically told Ryder.

The eighteen year old wouldn't go any further than that on the subject. For Chase and the rest of the pups, the Lookout yard felt a bit lonelier without the other human and the wolf pup. Chase, Rubble, and Wild were playing horseshoes in the yard right now. The pups all wanted to help support Wild after learning about what he had gone through, and Wild gladly accepted their company. "Your turn, Wild!" Chase exclaimed after Rubble tossed his horseshoe.

Wild gave his opponents a cheeky grin as he picked up the U-shaped piece of plastic and flung it, landing it onto the stake perfectly. "Wow, awesome shot, Wild!" Rubble complimented.

"Heh, thanks guys. I didn't think I'd be such a good shot. Then again, we cats do always land on our paws." Wild chuckled, feeling proud of himself.

"HORSESHOES!? I wanna play!" Marshall cheered, running towards them. Unfortunately, he tripped on a horseshoe and got his leg caught on the stake, causing him to spin around the stake wildly. "Did I win?" Marshall asked.

"You won, buddy! You scored yourself around the horseshoe stake, that's a big feat!" Wild giggled, nuzzling Marshall affectionately.

Everyone laughed at this.

Meanwhile, Ryder, Everest, Jake, Tuck, and Ella were helping Mayor Goodway sort through objects in an old cabin that belonged to the famous Wild West outlaw known as Wild Wilbur. "Oh, thank you for helping sort through Wild Wilbur's old cabin, Ryder! I'd come in, but there might be... bugs. And Chickaletta does not like bugs. I actually don't mind them myself, but Chickaletta goes everywhere with me." Mayor Goodway remarked.

"You're welcome, Mayor! Happy to help!" Everest chimed in.

"Yeah, this old hideout is awesome! There must be some great stuff here. Reminds me of the cabin me and Everest live in. This Wild Wilbur guy had quite good taste in lodging." Jake commented.

"Great stuff?!" Ella gasped.

"Like treasure!?" Tuck wondered.

"That could certainly be a possibility, you two! Wild Wilbur hid all of his outlawed loot somewhere in these mountains. I would love to display it all in City Hall." Mayor Goodway mused.

Ryder and Jake started to look through the cabin as a purple race car drove up and parked. The driver took off her helmet and got out of the car. This woman was wearing a purple race outfit to match her car's color scheme. She had platinum blond hair, gray eyes, purple lipstick, and long eyelashes. "Well, well, well. Lotta people here in the middle of nowhere. I didn't expect to see a crowd ready to watch me practice for the Adventure Bay 500." The woman smirked.

Genevieve scratched her head in confusion. "I'm sorry, who are you? We're currently examining Wild Wilbur's cabin." The mayor responded.

"The name is Carly. Carly Carmine Humdinger. You probably know of me by a different name... THE CHEETAH! World renowned racing champion. Hey, I know you, you're my brother's ex-girlfriend!" The Cheetah introduced herself.

"Ex-girlfriend...?! The only person I've dated in the past several months is Henry... wait, you're Henry's sister!?" Mayor Goodway inquired.

"You got it! I'm also a fantastic mom, my kid Harold's a genius. Now, you mentioned that old outlaw, Wild Wilbur? Lemme take a look." The Cheetah crowed, and waltzed into the cabin.

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