S2 E5: Pups Save Skye! Searching Through The Snowstorm!

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January 28th, 2030

Ben and Ace were sitting inside Jake's cabin, gulping down some drinks. Ben was drinking from his thermos of iced water, while Ace was enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. Skye was supposed to be joining them soon. "Wow Jake, your cocoa is amazing!" Ace complimented the mountain man.

"I know! I'd have some, but Jake says it wouldn't be very good for me." Everest giggled.

"And that's why Jake is your owner. He's smart. He keeps a little furball of adorableness like you out of trouble." Ben chuckled as he picked Everest up and cradled her in his arms as he gave her a belly rub.

"Ooooooh, yeah, that's the spot! Thanks Ben!" Everest purred.

After a few minutes of cuddles and belly scratches, the eighteen year old set Everest down, turning to Ace with a solemn expression on his face. Ben started to strike up a conversation with Ace: first it was about hobbies, vehicles, music, and then it turned to more personal matters. "What's the relationship with your family like?" Ben inquired.

Ace's expression soured as she looked down at the table. "Dad served in the Canadian air force, and he was reported to be MIA after an operation went awry. He disappeared when I was five, fighting for our country. They gave me his badge, and I've kept it with me ever since to remind me of him. My mom Barb and I lived on our own for a while. Mom was a commercial flight pilot, and she continued to teach me how to operate aircraft." Ace began.

Pausing to take a drink of cocoa, Ace sipped her beverage before continuing her story. "When I was 13, we got Skye from our neighbor, who had discovered her in their backyard. Mom didn't like Skye much, but tolerated her since that meant she didn't have to deal with me as much. Skye and I built Amelia together with the help of one of Dad's old Air Force friends. We started doing air tricks. Things changed when Skye turned three. Mom started to get more antagonistic with me and Skye, but then one day Mom told me she needed to take Skye with her on a flight. Barb and I had a huge fight when we got back home, she was completely unapologetic for losing our pup. That was the last straw. I took Amelia and ran away from home." Ace finished, wrapping up her story about her and her family relationship.

"...Wow, Ace. I'm sorry." Ben sadly said.

"It's okay. I got my pilot's license, one of the youngest people to ever get one, and I started doing trick shows. I attracted a lot of crowds due to my age, Dad's air force friend became my manager. It made a lot of money at first... but as I got older and older, I guess the crowds started to see less of the appeal. That's why I jumped at the chance to do a show here in Adventure Bay... but that kind of flopped when my plane exploded. I don't know what I would have done if Skye hadn't been here to emotionally support me these past few days." Ace answered.

She smiled softly at the thought of her little pilot puppy, and of the fond memories they had shared over these past few days. She really does need Skye in her life right now... Ben mused in his head.

Back at the lookout, Skye was getting her pup pack ready to go while Chase, Zuma, and Tuck played tug of war against Marshall, Rocky, and Ella. Whichever team got the ribbon on the rope over their side of the line won. Chase and Marshall dropped their sides of the rope when they saw Skye trot out of the Lookout tower lobby with her pup pack on. "Hey Skye, wanna play tug of war with us?!" Chase asked excitedly, almost a pleading tone in his voice.

"Sorry everyone! I'm meeting Ace, Ben, and Everest at Jake's cabin in the mountains! Gotta fly!" Skye apologetically said as she barked out her wings and took off into the air.

As it started to snow, Skye thought about Ace's offer to go back to living with her. It sounded so amazing! She had missed her original owner so much over the past four years. Even though they had reunited three days ago, it felt like they had barely begun to catch up with each other. Going back home with Ace would give her that opportunity... but that would mean leaving the Paw Patrol behind.

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