The final chapter

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I called Raffaele with tears streaming down my face.

"Rhea?" He answered after the phone rang a few times.

"Come back and bring him with you." I cried down the phone, pressing my foot on the car accelerator making my speed grow even faster.

"What happened? Are you ok?" He questioned down the phone as I filled with rage.

"Just fucking listen to me." I yelled down the phone before hanging up and throwing the phone across the car.

Not long after I made it back to Raffaele's house and immediately put the plan I had crafted on the drive home into action.

I rushed around, grabbing everything that I would need of mine and shoving it into a suitcase.

I put the suitcase in the back of a McLaren that was parked in the garage before making my way to Raffaele's office.

If I was going to take shot from him I should at least take the good stuff.

Once I got into his office I dug around in his desk drawer until I found what I was looking for, his check book.

Writing down a specific number I ripped out the page that already had his signature.

A week previous:

"I'll give you whatever you want." Raffaele slurred, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist as I pushed my body further down on top of him.

I had gotten him to drink an almost entire bottle of liquor and was now sat straddling him, I know how to get what I want.

"Rhea." He groaned as I looked at him acting oblivious to my affects on him.

"Whatever I want?" I questioned, grinding our bodies together sending pleasure throughout him.

"Whatever." He breathed as I smiled, satisfied with his response.

I grabbed the check book from the table next to us, handing it to him.

"How much?" He smirked cockily, I bit back my disgust remembering I had to keep this act up.

"A signature, you said whatever so I can decide whenever I please." I smiled at him, playing with his hair as he nodded.

Turning down to the check book he quickly wrote down his signature, what a fucking idiot.

Precent time:

I'm sat waiting in the living room for them, it's long gone dark already before I hear the roar of an engine travel up the driveway.

I grip the gun in my hand, taking a deep breath before standing up.

Waiting until I hear the front door open and close I make my way out of the living room to go and find them.

"Rhea." Raffaele says as he sees me appear from the other room.

Silently I hold the gun up and shoot straight at his unexpectant brother behind him.

I don't miss and I watch the body drop to the floor before I turn the gun towards Raffaele, who puts his hands up taking a step back.

"Rhea what the fuck are you doing this wasn't the plan." He yelled back at me as I grew bored of this entire situation already.

"Fuck your plan." I said before pressing down on the trigger again, watching as the bullet left the gun and travelled straight into his chest.

It felt like it was in slow motion, the reality of what I had just done dawning on me.

I turned, going to grab the last of my things before I climbed into the car and sped off.

Leaving everything behind me and truly disappearing for good.

Two years later:

I'm sat at the cafe I agreed to meet my old friend at, it's in downtown la so the travel wasn't that far for me. I can't say the same for him though.

I've lived in California for almost two years now, I bought a house, finished school, started my business and even got a dog.

I'm now the owner and founder of the richest fashion company in the usa and thanks to Raffaele my networks over 170.8 billion, making me one of the richest women in the country.

I sip at my hot chocolate, staring at the rain pouring outside. It's late November so the sun is barely out at this time of year anyways.

I hear the bell ring at the front of the cafe causing me to look up, my eyes meeting him for the first time in years.

His eyes scanned the cafe before they found me, he quickly walked over to where I was sat. The rain droplets were falling from his defined face as he stared at me intensely, not letting his eyes leave mine.

I stood up as he approached and was caught off guard when he tightly embraced me, although the hug was full of warmth and love despite his
clothes being soaked from the rain.

"Hi Rhea." He said pulling away from me, smiling warmly.

"Hi Tom." I looked up at him.

Hi everyone I know this is a rushed ending but I explained at the end of the previous chapter why I struggled to continue this book so I hope you understand.

I'm currently trying to write some wlw books so bare with me for a few weeks and I'll try and get them published once they're completed so they're entirely ready for you to read!

Like I explained previously I've come to terms with my sexuality and struggle to write books with male love interests because I'm not attracted to men.

I'd love if you'd check out my new books when I get them written and posted but please comment ideas and advice for stories you want to read!

Stay safe and thank you so much for reading this story I hope I've not disappointed people too much.

DRIVING ME INSANE ♡ TOM KAULITZ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon