Moët Chandon

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We finished at brunch and said goodbye because they had to go, so now we were alone as we walked back down the street and further into the city.

We turned down a street full of designer stores and my eyes widened in awe, as we passed Chanel and I couldn't resist the urge to walk inside.

As we entered I saw the shelves of bags and walked up to them eagerly, looking over the different designs and types.

"See anything you like?" Tom asked from behind me as he put his arm around my waist.

I nodded turning back to the bags and pointing to the dark blue one that had a thin silver chain.

"I love that one." I gushed looking at it closer.

"Do you want it?" He said as I turned to him dumbfounded.

"I'm not letting you buy me that Tom it's seven thousand euros." I said looking down at the price tag.

"That's nothing, if you like it I'll buy you it Rhea." He said sweetly.

I knew I wasn't going to win this and I also knew I wasn't going to let him buy me that bag, so I grabbed his hand and led him out the store before he got the chance.

"Why can't I just buy you a bag?" He said annoyed as we continued back down the street.

"I feel bad, it's a lot of money." I admitted

To my surprise he started to laugh, looking up at him confused he shook his head still smiling.

"You really have no idea about my job do you."

"Enlighten me." I said challengingly.

"I'm not telling you exact numbers but yearly it's 9 digits." He said nonchalantly, like he didn't just tell me he makes billions a year.

I looked at him with my eyes probably bulging out of my head,
"How?" Is all I managed to get out.

"You know I can't talk about it." He sounded both sympathetic and annoyed by my question and I cursed myself for asking it again because I already know the answer.

"I know, I'm sorry." I looked away slightly embarrassed until I get his fingers lace into mine and hold onto my hand tightly.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for." He whispered into my ear before we turned into a large store, my eyes meeting the many levels of clothes, shoes, bags, makeup and about everything else you could possibly imagine.

I walked towards the array of dresses as Tom followed closely. After picking out a few and asking for Tom's opinions, which to my surprise he was surprisingly helpful with my fashion choices, I walked towards the changing rooms to go try everything on.

Tom came into the room with me, it was larger than an average changing room and had a chair in the corner which Tom sat down in eagerly.

Hanging up the clothes and starting to take mine off i didn't care about Tom being there, I know it sounds absurd because w his girlfriend and we've well you know...

But he still gets me nervous and gives me chills, just like when I first met him.

I was now just in my underwear and I pulled a dark blue dress over my head, sorting out the way it sat on my body and attempting to zip up the back.

Without a word Tom stood and zipped up my dress, his fingers brushing over my bare skin as he moved my hair to one side and pulled up the zip.

I stared at myself in the mirror, but I could hardly focus on the dress as all my attention turned to his body that was stood pressed up behind me.

"Do you like it?" I questioned tilting my head slightly.

"I love it." He smirked as butterflies formed in my stomach at his eyes that were roaming up and down my reflection.

"You want this one?" He asked sitting back down as I nodded, biting my lip slightly.

I tried on some other things as Tom sat patiently, observing me with a smile plastered on his face.

As I finished changing back into my normal clothes Tom grabbed the pile I had tried on and walked out of the room after checking I was fully finished changing.

I followed him quickly already knowing his plan, but before I could stop him he had the clothes on the counter and his card in the reader. I stood silently next to him, turning to the girl who handed me the bag before we left the store.

"Thank you." I smiled up at him, packing his lips as he shrugged and smiled back.

"Anything for you my love." He said placing his arm over my shoulders.

I'm sat in the hotel room alone because Tom needed to go out quickly and I took the opportunity to get ready.

It was almost the surprise and the anticipation was almost killing me.

I put on the blue dress Tom bought me earlier and some matching heels, putting slight curls into my hair and nodding at my reflection satisfied.

I heard the door open and shut, turning off the bathroom light and walking back out I saw Tom stood with his back to me.

He was wearing a suit and this was the first time I've seen him in something that wasn't baggy, his toned body visible and making me not know how to compose myself.

He turned to me with a grin, walking up and wrapping his arms around me before closing the space between our lips.

"You look amazing." He said against my lips causing me to giggle as his lip ring tickled my skin slightly.

We made our way down to the lobby and into a car that was already waiting at the front of the hotel.

We drove in a comfortable silence as my body was heating up under Tom's hand which was placed on my upper thigh, trying to stop the redness in my face I looked out at the passing city and admired its beauty.

The car stopped outside of a building that was captivating me as I stepped out of the car.

It seemed historic and much different to the modernised buildings you found in Tokyo, the inside was decorated with painting and flowers. Walking through there was classical music and my eyes met the grand room full of tables which many people sat at.

"Reservation?" The boy behind the desk said as we walked up to the front.

"Kaulitz." Tom said as the boy nodded and led us further into the room of tables. Tom held my hand as I followed behind him, to my surprise we passed everyone and started up the stairs into a private balcony area that overlooked the restaurants.

We sat at the table as the boy handed us two menus.

"What drinks can I get you both?" He asked in a strong french accent.

"A bottle of Moët Chandon." Tom replied without looking at the menu.

The server nodded and walked away quickly, leaving me and Tom alone finally.

DRIVING ME INSANE ♡ TOM KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now