I like them too

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"Tom..." I started as he looked over at me before returning his eyes towards the road.


"Where are we going?" I questioned sitting up slightly wincing from the pain in my arm and my head.

"I didn't think it would be a good idea to go back to the house, so we're going somewhere more private. Just the two of us." He said making a turn and driving up a long road.

"That sounds nice." I hummed, pulling down the sun visor and sliding over the mirror to look at myself.

I stared in disbelief at my reflection, my face had lost all colour except for the trail of scarlet liquid that crept down the side of my face and down my neck, it took me a second before it dawned on me that it wasn't my blood.

The car stopped and as I put up the mirror my eyes met the modern house infront of us.

I followed Tom out of the car and in silence we entered the house, I continued to follow him through the hallway and into the kitchen.

"This place is nice, who's house is this?" I asked from behind him.

"It's mine, I'm glad you like it." He turned to me with a smirk.

Walking towards me he placed his hands firmly around my waist and lifted me onto the side,

I watched him turn around and look through the cabinet, reaching and grabbing a first aid kit before placing it beside me and closing the cabinet door.

He opened the box and started to take out everything he needed as I sat silently watching, looking down at the dirty red dress I was still wearing from three days ago I felt a finger under my chin lifting my face up.

He placed a disinfectant wipe onto my face causing me to shiver slightly at the sudden coldness on my skin. As he continued to clean my face I saw his expression change and he looked confused,

"Where are you bleeding from?" He asked as his eyes searched my face making me laugh lightly.

"I'm not." I said simply.

"What do you mean your not?"
"It's not my blood Tom." I sighed looking away from him, a part of me feels guilty but another part of me enjoyed it and that part of me scares me a little.

He didn't say anything and stood there still confused as I turned back to him,
"Tom I killed two men." I snapped annoyed at his slowness.

"You what?" Is all he said in response so I continued.

"They put me in a bedroom, so I smashed a glass and used it to... we'll you know. Then this other guy tried to shoot me so I had to shoot him first, Tom I'm not a monster." I rushed out, adding the last comment in fear he'd see me differently.

He laughed at that,
"Rhea, if you're a monster what am I? Not gonna lie I find it hot that you can defend yourself." He smirked before returning to aiding me, moving his attention to the massive gash on my shoulder and leaving me flustered and sat there bright red like an idiot.

As he finished cleaning all the blood up we stood in a comfortable silence as i watched him, his face was focused and soft which made my heart melt at the sight. This is the Tom I fell in love with, the Tom no one else sees because he'll only show this version of himself to me. But I'll never admit I'm in love with him because a part of me deep down can't grasp the fact that he'd be attracted to me, despite him telling me he is a loud voice in my head convinces me otherwise.

My heart started to beat faster as his hands brushed against the scars on my upper arm, the memories of my old self making their way back into my mind. The memories of when I didn't care about anything or anyone, apart from Emma. I didn't even care about myself, my life evolved around keeping her safe because she was the only thing I had and the only thing that kept me here.

I've changed a lot since then, but I'm absently worried that Tom is replacing that role Emma held for so long. That I subconsciously make the person closest to me my biggest priority, then if I lose him I'd in theory die because my life would be lost with him.

"You want to shower?" He asked pulling me out of my spiral of thoughts, putting away the stuff he took out of the first aid kit and returning it back into the cabinet he found it in.

"Mhm." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes slightly tired.

"Come on." He grabbed my hands and helped me off the kitchen side, leading me out of the room and back through the hallway and up the stairs.

I still felt lightheaded from the lack of oxygen and the fact I hadn't eaten in almost four days. As we entered a large master bedroom Tom let go of me and entered the attached bathroom, following him the familiar dizziness I felt a few months before took over me again.

Unfortunately this time I didn't have the strength to brush it off as my legs buckled under me slightly and I grabbed the bathroom door frame in support.

"You ok?" Tom asked concerned as he came up to me and supported my body with his.

"I don't know, I'm really dizzy." I breathed, my head throbbing and suddenly I felt like I was going to vomit.

"Are you going to be able to shower?" He asked letting go of me as I sat on the bench next to the shower, watching him walk over to it and turn it on.

"I'll be fine." I muttered looking down, I still find it difficult to talk about what I feel even though I've trusted him with so much theres still so much more I have buried inside that I'm afraid to let out.

"Ok well I'll be in the bedroom, so if you need me just say." He kissed my forehead before walking out of the bathroom and shutting the door.

I sat for a few minutes listening to the running water, the sound of the droplets hitting the tile relaxing my thoughts.

Standing up I pulled the dress over the top of my head and threw it to the floor, followed by my underwear and bra. Stepping into the shower the steam surrounded me and as the warm water hit my skin the aching in my body slowly faded away.

I stayed under the protection of the water for as long as I could, thinking about everything and anything. Turning off the shower and stepping out I quickly wrapped a towel around me as the cool air hit my skin.

That's when I realised I didn't have any clothes, not in the bathroom or in the house. Opening the door slightly I decided to have some confidence and walk out, still only in my towel.

"No clothes?" Tom joked from his position man spreading on the bed with his arm laid over his body. His eyes traveled over my body, admiring it under the small towel that just made it to my thighs. I liked his eyes, they were different.

When those eyes looked at me I felt flustered and beautiful, not like I was being watched or that his thoughts were disgusting because I knew they weren't. It makes my heart flutter knowing he's looking at me for me, not just admiring my body but also admiring me with it.

"What am I meant to wear?" I questioned as his eyes met mine and the smirk on his face grew.

"How about nothing." He raised his eye brow at me as I tried to suppress a laugh.

"In your dreams." I said walking towards the closet which I hoped had something in it, luckily as I opened the door and turned on the light my eyes met a bunch of clothes hung up around the small room.

Turning back at him as he stared at me, I shook my tongue out jokingly before disappearing into the closet to find something to wear.

I found a graphic t shirt which was oversized and I wore that with some of his boxers. I cringed at myself in the mirror, but it was my only choice because no way would I wear his sweatpants, I'm 5,6 and he's 6,1 so it just wouldn't work.

"How do I look?" I joked leaning onto the door frame as he looked up from his phone, his expression changing immediately as he saw me in his clothes.

"I like you in my clothes." He smiled getting off the bed and wrapping his arms around me.

"I like them too." I grinned before closing the space between us, pushing my lips against his.

DRIVING ME INSANE ♡ TOM KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now