Mon; No sweetie, I would never get tired of being your friend - I kissed her on her forehead and hugged her tightly- You are the second best thing that has ever happened to me.

Sarai; what's the first? - She looked up at me waiting for an answer and I softly smiled in return -

Mon; I will tell you one day - I said after a few seconds of silence - but now let's go to bed.

Sarai; I want to go to sleep with you Mon!

Mon; your mom is not even here how about if she comes looking for you after she returns?

Sarai; well just send her a text message then!

Mon; I don't know if that's a good idea, Sarai...

Sarai what? Texting her or me having a sleepover with you in your room? - Sometimes I forget how smart she is!

Mon; Both! Your mom is at a business party and I'm not sure if she wants to be bothered.

Sarai; It will be fine MonMon - she knew what she was doing, even made the poppy eyes How could I say no? - Pretty please?

Mon; Okay fine, but let me text your mom first!

Sarai; Yay - she pumped excitedly on the bed while I texted Khum Sam!

"Sarai doesn't feel comfortable sleeping in her room today so I'm taking her to sleep with me in my room. Hope that's okay with you!"

I waited a few minutes but there was no answer so I just grabbed Sarai and went down to my

Sarai was not too tired today and when we got to my room she just wanted to play around with me and kept fighting her sleep. I turned off the light and even tried to sing some lullabies but she couldn't stop talking.

She was so excited talking about everything; about Noi, her books, her ballet classes, Miss Mai, and even asked about Yuki. She went on questioning about her mother - that she is worried that she and her mother were not so close all of a sudden.
I'm always impressed by the way she talks and how smart she is... It's amazing!

I always feel like I'm talking to a grown-up! If it wasn't because of her soft baby voice I would've sworn she was a teenager!

Anyway, she was finally able to fall asleep after I pretended to be asleep as well at 11:30 p.m.
It's so bad and I'm so glad Khum Sam wasn't home, because she would have definitely not allowed this. She is always on top of her schedule and keeps it the same at all times.

After she was fully asleep I opened my eyes and started looking at her. Maybe it's because she spends all day amazing me with the words that come out of her mouth but she was the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life.

Her cute Angel face made me so happy. She comforts me and gives me hope. I'm not really sure what kind of hope but I like it, a lot!

I smiled and started caressing her face.
Sam was very lucky to have a daughter like her!

I grabbed my phone to see if she answered my text but there was nothing.
This past weekend had been strange, Sarai was not lying!
I wanted to talk with Sam about everything that's been happening, to tell her the truth about Nop but I didn't find a perfect time to do so.

It also seems she is upset. Maybe because I refused to open up when she confronted me or it could be something else; But I know she was upset!

She hasn't come to my room since Friday and has excuses that she was busy with work. The only time we talked was about Sarai but even then she had to leave and answer that annoying assistant of hers, Nita.

It made me so upset that she interrupted me to answer Nita but I didn't let her see that; I will talk to her about that when things calmed down a little!

She was attending a business party tonight - which should've been over by now but maybe it's still going - I was hoping she saw my message before arriving at Sarai's room and freaked out because she was not there.

I opened my eyes when I heard a few noises coming from the other side of the house  - I knew it was Sam. I grabbed my phone to check the time and it was currently 3:20 a.m.; it seemed like she had a lot of fun at the party!

After a few seconds I heard steps coming towards my room and I quickly closed my eyes when she opened the door. I noticed that she was trying not to make any noises but didn't have much success. Maybe I was just too alert because I've been missing her a lot and couldn't wait to see her home.

The next thing I felt was her hands caressing my cheeks, gently. She bent down closer to my face and left a kiss on my forehead.

Sam; I know you are up - she got me - You can open your eyes now - I slowly opened my eyes and she looked at me blankly - let's go to my room, I need help with my dress...

Mon; Sam it's three in the morning and do you not see Sarai in the bed right next to me? - I whispered and she looked to my side shocked

Sam; oh shit! Why though?

Mon; She wanted to sleep here, I think she's a little sensitive these days - I saw her walking around the bed and going to the other side where Sarai was and kissing her head  - I think she also misses you. She hasn't seen you a lot this week.

Sam; I know, I was just taking care of some things - she looked at me for a moment - Can I have a shirt or something to sleep on?

Mon; What do you mean? - I sat on the bed looking at her confused -

Sam; I'm going to sleep here with you two! - She says it like it was the most normal thing ever -

Mon; Do you not see Sarai here? - I raised my eyebrows -

Sam; she will be fine, I will tell her that I missed her. Now give me a shirt - she looked at me waiting for an answer but I was still thinking - Never mind I will get it!

She walked towards the drawer and grabbed one oversized shirt. She walked towards me and turned her back to me.

Sam; can you unzip my dress, please?

I unzipped her dress and gulped. She literally took her clothes off and changed into something like it was the most normal and casual thing in the world... I mean, it was but I was just afraid Sarai could wake up any moment and see this.

After she was done she walked to the bed and laid right beside her - Sarai was now in between the both of us. I turned off the lamp that was beside my bed and laid on my bed facing the sealing...

Sam; Mon, we need to talk soon - it was dark so I couldn't see her face but I know she was gazing at me.

Mon; I know...

That was the only thing I could get out - I knew what was waiting for me!

To be continued...


Hello dear readers, Thank you for being so patient. Just a reminder that I'm working and going to school at the same time so I'm really busy!
Hope you enjoyed this episode - don't forget to comment and vote!

Thank you all for the warm birthday wishes, it meant a lot! ❤️

Ps; Please excuse any grammar error please!

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