Episode 7 : disappointment, anger, regret and fear

Start from the beginning

Well if I'm a rebellious in front of everyone's eyes here then why should I hesitate in running away from the class, right? So I did. Now I just need to get my hands on a cellphone quickly. Which was tough task for now because I'm not talking to Abel these days, if I were I would've called him out of his class. But what hurts in trying right?

So I walked past his class, and started whistling just like how we used to when we wanted to let each other know that were in trouble and in need of help. Now I just need to wait outside the washroom area for him and I hope he comes quick.

5 minutes later he showed up. "What's the matter?" Abel spoke, he seemed to be very tensed. "I need to use your cellphone" I said in a hurry because if I delay any further, things could get out of hands. He handed over his phone without questioning anything. I didn't wasted a single second and dialled Mr. Jeon's number (Mr Jeon here is jungkook's father) but he didn't picked up.

I tried again but he didn't picked up. I tried Mrs. Jeon's number several times but she didn't picked up either. So now the last one was him (Jungkook) I tried to call him but he didn't picked up and first and second time. I was getting frustrated and decided if he doesn't pick up this time I will myself take actions against it whether it means getting kicked out of the school.

I was in the middle of loosing my shit when he picked and started questioning my life existence which I paid no attention to. "Mr. Jeon it's me y/n I need you to come to school asap and be ready to fight because Jeong is in danger" I said everything in a breath and was about to hang up when he alsed "what did she do this time? And how did you got the phone to call me?" "It's not the time to be asking any questions just come fast before that pedophile does something to Jeong, get here asap. She needs you" with that said I hung up and ran back to my class and to my surprise Abel was behind me.

Discomfort was all over Jeong's face when his hands were on her shoulder. I threw whatever the first thing came in my hands towards him, which ended up hitting his head and as a result it started bleeding. And yes after that I was in principal's office ready to be scolded but not alone Abel was by my side. Just like the professor's boring lectures we were listening to the principal who was obviously on his way to show us the right path, discipline and manners.

Soon enough the school receptionist informed him that Mr Jeon Jungkook what's to meet him urgently and so he had no choice but to send us both outside, the teacher to the nurse's room and call him inside. Me and Abel were standing outside the principal's office with our hands up as the secretary was keeping an eye on us. When Mr Jeon was entering the principal's office our eyes met for a brief second and I with my eyes tried to assure him that Jeong was fine.

A few minutes passed and after that we(as in Y/n and Abel), the professor and Jeong were called to principal's office, obviously we were outside the office so reached first, the. Jeong and then the professor. "I heard you called Mr Jeon to the school y/n. May I ask why?" The principal spoke calmly while he was comfortably sitting on his chair. "Because Jeong was being assaulted by him" I spoke glaring at the professor who was holding rhe injured part of his head, though it was bandaged now a tint of read was clearly seen. Obviously a steel lunch box thrown at full speed towards him will do some damage.

"That's not the case I was just helping her with a question" he argued as if the victim wasn't even present for confirmation. "Obviously helping her by massaging her shoulders" Abel chuckled after his remarks. "Her shoulders were stiff because she was nervous" he argued yet again. "She was nervous because you were touching her, and yet you didn't stop." Abel shouted at him, ready to throw hands anytime if he says something again. "Enough!! We will know who's speaking the truth once Jeong confirms it herself" principal thundered slamming his hands on the table. He stood up walking towards Jeong who was standing right next to Mr Jeon who was sitting on the chair.

He was carefully and calmly listening to everything. He calmness didn't mean he was not angry, but he didn't want to take actions once he gets his doubts cleared. "Jeong, I need you to tell me if the accusations for your professor Song are true or not. Simply put was he touching you inappropriately without your consent?" Principal asked Jeong. Now all of ours attention was on her. Who is right and who is wrong will be decided by her answer. Obviously she will choose to speak the truth, and will get him kicked out of this school.

"You don't have to be scared Jeong, I'm right here, say what true" Mr Jeon held her hand to assure that no harm will be done to her in any way so she must speak the truth. Jeong hesitated to speak her head was down all the time, no one knew what's going in her head. "Take your time Jeong we're not rushing you with anything" principal assured Jeong now going back to his seat.

With every passing minute, professor song was loosing colours from his face. Anybody could see that he was in the wrong, while I and Abel were calm because we knew we were right. The principal was about to get settled on his seat when Jeong spoke "NO" disbelief was all written over our faces. What could be the reason for her to back off now? Why? We were trying to help her and so many more girls who would go through this in future. Then why sid she said no? She was definitely uncomfortable, she was disgusted with his behaviour.

"I don't know what's the problem between Mr Song and y/n, that she's accusing him of such vulgar thing, but nothing like that happened, he was truly helping me with a question." Jeong added with a blank face. "Well that wraps up everything here, Mr song and Jeong you both can leave for your classes. And you both stay here I need to discuss something with you" principal said and without wasting a second they both left.

"Mr. Jeon I'm really very sorry, we caused you trouble, i apologize to you for the inconveniences you faced. Now that you know Jeong is safe here, it would be better that you depart and don't worry about these two I'll take good care of them" the principal added looking at us with disgusted eyes. Before leaving Mr Jeon looked at me, his eyes spoke nothing they were just staring at me for a brief second. Oh well it was better than being hated by him.

"Kim y/n and Abel Browns, let me make it all easy for you. Both of you are restigated from this school for violence, false accusation and bringing mobile phone at the school premises, you both will not be able to appear in your final years examination. Neither here, nor any of the schools in Korea. Congratulations you both have successfully wasted your one year, now you may take your bags and leave the school right now."

Those words were running in my head while I was on my way to Mr Jeon's company. I was angry, so much that I could rip someone's head off their body but more than that I had regretted it. Regret is something that I've never felt before, it's new to me and something similar to disappointment. I was having these mixed feelings of disappointment, anger, regret and fear. Fear of how am I gonna face my father now? What will I tell him. He's a pretty understanding person but I've done something that has cost me a year of my academic life, that's beyond his and my expectation.

I regret it, I regret every second of it. I should've never done that. I should've let her be his play toy. But now not only mine but Abel's year is wasted too.... I wish I could turn back time....

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