Chapter 83 -84

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She squinted at Lin Feng, "I've finished my business, now it's time to talk about you two."

Lin Huan immediately avoided Yu Tong's gaze, and said with a guilty
conscience: "I, what can we do."
Lin Feng touched his head, " You two have been talking about us since
just now, have you misunderstood something?"

Yu Tong curled her lips, "Brother, you are a man anyway, you should be little
bit responsible."

Just now Lin Huan and Lin Feng's atmosphere was not right, Yu Tong just remembered , These two people are likely to be dating, or are on the way to be dating. Lin Huan bought buttons for men's clothing, but she was too embarrassed to tell them in front of Yu Tong and Xie Wencheng, and with their weird attitudes, Yu Tong could guess it.
This time it was Lin Feng's turn to blush.

Lin Feng is a man with a sunny appearance. Although he is the same age as Xie Wencheng, his appearance is far less mature than Xie Wencheng, and he still has a sense of immaturity. He looks a little cute when he sits on the bench with a red face.

He wanted to deny it, but after glancing at Lin Huan, he couldn't say
anything about the denial again.
During this time, Yu Tong and Xie Wencheng were not around, and they
were both working in the same place, so they would inevitably go to each
other when they had something to do, and found out some feelings after going back and forth. Lin Feng also had a crush on Lin Huan, but the two of them never punctured the paper on the window. The last time they were
together, they were embarrassed to talk to each other after being made a
joke by the gatekeeper.

So meeting today, the atmosphere is weird.

Lin Huan saw that Lin Feng was in a dilemma, and quickly denied it:
"No, this button is indeed for Lin Feng, but we have nothing to do with
each other." She took out the button from her pocket and handed it over, "I
saw a button on your clothes the day before yesterday. I wanted to make it
up for go back and make it up yourself."

Lin Feng took it with a blushing face.
Seeing the awkward conversation between the two, Yu Tong said happily,

"If you say that, Brother Feng should blame me. If I didn't ask you, he still
has someone to help sew the buttons." As soon as Yu Tong said, The faces of the two were even redder.

It seems that summer is also... a season where it is easy to fall in love.


After dinner, Xie Wencheng sent Yu Tong home.
It was late, and there were no people on the road. Thinking of Lin Huan
and Lin Feng being together, Yu Tong couldn't stop smiling. She has always
liked Lin Huan's character, and when they are together, then she and Lin
Huan are also a family and will see each other often!

Xie Wencheng looked at Yu Tong who was secretly laughing, and
laughed in his heart: "Is this what makes you so happy?"

"No," Yu Tong said happily, "It's a great thing for Lin Huan to be my
sister-in-law. She has a good heart. She stood by my side to help me at the very beginning, and if not I would not have met you."

Xie Wencheng said "En", "I showed up too late and made you feel

Yu Tong was startled, she was crooked Tilting her head, "Why did you
say that all of a sudden?"

Xie Wencheng sighed: "Listening to them talking about your previous
situation, you even came to the county against your grandma.Though You are doing well,but You have suffered so much and I wasn't there to share with you."

"How could that be?" Yu Tong comforted softly, "Everyone has their own pasion."

Xie Wencheng looked over, "What is your pasion?"

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