Chapter 12

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Perhaps Li Xiu's voice was too loud, and everyone else looked at her.
Li Xiu noticed the eyes of others and blushed. But for her own benefit, she
still stuck her neck and said: "It costs a lot to enter the city, and all aspects
need to be taken care of. How much will it cost! The third sister-in-law
is not good, why is she so spending this much !"

"My mother know her body best, if she is not seriously ill, she will not faint, and she never says what is wrong with her." Yu Tong paused, knowing that although she thought it was only right and proper to treat Lin Xianglian's illness,

Others thought differently, so they added, "I'll go and tell Uncle Dazhu about the money for medical treatment, and the production team can reimburse part of it."

Yu Changdong, who hadn't said a few words when he passed through Yu
Tong, said unexpectedly: "Even if part of the production team is
reimbursed, the money for medical treatment is a huge amount for us."

In the past, Li Xiu made troubles about trivial matters, and Yu
Changdong didn't bother to care about them, but now that their family's interests are involved, he is not happy.
It stands to reason that their family should be the one with the most
strength, but the old lady either favors the eldest family or the third
Sister-in-law, when did she favour them? Now if they want to use their
blood and sweat to see the doctor for third sister-in-law, that will not work.

Yu Tong was not surprised to hear Yu Changdong's objection. After all,
she knew Yu Changdong very well.
Besides, although he has many thoughts, the matter of taking Lin
Xianglian to the hospital involves other people's interests after all, and it is understandable that people feel sorry for their own money.

"That's right, our family can't afford so much money. I don't think there's
anything wrong with Xianglian. Let's cure it at home."

As soon as this Yu Changdong finished speaking, the other Yu Changzhi received Li Xiu's signal and followed .

They didn't care about Lin Xianglian's body. After all, the third child had
been missing for so long, so he must be gone. Whether Lin Xianglian lived
or died had nothing to do with them.

Yu Lele snorted coldly: "Grandma, I think Yu Tong just wants to be lazy,
isn't the third aunt just malnourished, who isn't like this these days? She
probably wants to go to the city for fun, you can't agree with her to go. "

Although Mrs. Yu is worried about Lin Xianglian's health, everyone is
against it now, and she has to think carefully.

Yu Tong calmly said: "It's not that everyone is malnourished, you are fat
for nothing, and you have fat on your waist."

The girl can't hear other people saying that she is fat, Yu Lele is anxious:
"Yu Tong! Who are you calling fat!"

Yu Tong said: "It's definitely not me who is 167 cm tall and 95 kg."

"You!" Yu Lele red-eyed anxiously, but couldn't refute. Although she was about the same height as Yu Tong, But she was much heavier than Yu Tong, a full 20 catties, that is to say, she had a small frame and could hide meat so that others couldn't see it.

Yu Tong was too lazy to argue with Yu Lele, her purpose was to take Lin
Xianglian to see a doctor, in case she had some serious illness that could not be found out, and she would eventually die. She said calmly, "I can go to my grandma's house to borrow some money, and try not to hinder

Hearing Yu Tong mentioning her natal family, Li Xiu was even more

Back then when she and Lin Xianglian married into Lao Yu's family, it
was because her natal family was not as good as Lin Xianglian's natal
family, so she was often looked down upon by others!

Li Xiu said disdainfully: "You don't even think about whether you can
borrow it from them. Is the money to go to the county to see a doctor a small amount? You don't look at how much you are!"

Anyway, this matter is on her, and
she appointed No, now that everyone's life is tight, she doesn't believe that anyone is willing to spend money to save someone who has nothing to do with them.
Even if her parents were ill, she still had to consider whether it
was worth spending money to save them.

As soon as Li Xiu finished speaking, a hearty female voice came from
the gate: "Who said Yu Tong can't borrow it?"

The dining room of Lao Yu's house was facing the gate. They turned their
heads and saw Sun Shuhui's arm. Carrying a basket, she walked in hurriedly.

Sun Shuhui was followed by a tall and rough man. The man was Yu Tong's
uncle, Lin Xianglian's elder brother Lin Dahu. Lin Dahu was carrying more things in his left and right hands than Sun Shuhui, and there was even a freshly slaughtered chicken inside.
Sun Shuhui walked into the room quickly.

Out of politeness, she greeted
Mrs. Yu first. Before Mrs. Yu could speak, she fired a "machine gun" at Li

"I said Li Xiu, what have you done all these years?" It hasn't changed.
Don't talk about it, and expect others to be like you? Let me tell you, you
don't need to talk about it here. Xianglian is from our old Lin's family. The money for her treatment will be paid by our old Lin's family. "

Sun Shuhui is famous for her fast talk, her fierce life never needs to be
explained, Li Xiu had met Sun Shuhui several times before, and was
scolded bloody every time, but now that Sun Shuhui suddenly appeared, Li Xiu was still I'm a little scared.

She insisted and said: "Don't you meddle between our Lao Lin's
family issue . What does the Lao Lin family have to do with you? Aren't you just a daughter-in-law! It's nothing to do with you anymore? Why do you talk about things that have nothing to do with you!"

"You!" Li Xiu dug a hole and buried herself in it, almost smoking from
her nose.

Yu Tong didn't expect Sun Shuhui to say that she had paid for Lin
Xianglian's medical treatment. She was used to seeing Li Xiu's bad face
during this period, and she was very moved.

She stood up and said
seriously: "No, auntie, my mother and I usually have work points for work,
and we also earn more or less money for Lao Yu's family. I only want my
mother and I to earn that share. For the rest, I have to trouble my aunts and grandparents, but I promise, when my mother recovers from her illness, we will find a way to pay back the money first."

"What are you talking about?"
Sun Shuhui frowned, " What does the family say about paying back
the money? Is money or life more important? If something happens to your mother, your grandparents will be heartbroken, and your mom
is the only sister of your uncle , if something goes wrong He must make a fuss."

The second half of the sentence was specifically for Li Xiu, Lin Dahu
fought against a group, and Yu Changzhi was no match.

Li Xiu was scolded first, and then heard the threat, she didn't dare to say anything.

Sun Shuhui grabbed Yu Tong's hand, "Come on, Tong Tong, put away all
the food, rice and eggs, and make some good supplements for your mother during this time. In addition, I killed a chicken, you give it to your mother some stewed chicken soup, I haven't dared to tell your grandma
about it yet, don't tell her yet, when your mother recovers, you two will go
back to see your grandpa and grandma, understand?"

Looking at Lin Dahu and Sun Shuhui, the Tears welled up in Yu Tong's eyes, and she said sincerely: "Thank
you uncle, thank you aunt, from now on I will honor you like I honor my
These things are good things, worth a lot Money. Chickens can lay eggs, and Sun Shuhui and Lin Dahu are willing to kill a chicken for Lin Xianglian. This kind of kindness is not just a word of thanks.
Yu Tong is in urgent need of these now, so she can only accept them first
and repay them later.

Yu Tong was happy here, but Mrs. Yu couldn't hold back her face.
It stands to reason that Lin Xianglian married into Lao Yu's family and is
already a member of Lao Yu's family, but now she still needs her natal
family to send this and that, and her natal family has to pay for it when she
is sick. Isn't this a slap in the face of her old Yu family? ?
This is not acceptable.

Old Madam Yu coughed softly: "I appreciate the kindness of my in-laws,
but Xiang Lian doesn't need the money for medical treatment. No matter what, I have to pay for it from Old Yu's family." As soon as the words fell, the rest of the people said in unison: " Mom! What are you talking about?!"

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