Chapter 65 - 66

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"Lily, don't talk if you can't speak! Yu Tong is kind! What's the matter
with your child? Damn, you don't have a handle on your mouth!" Fang Cuilan rushed over angrily, wishing she could smash a hole in Zhao Lili's head with the water glass in her hand.

Zhao Lili shut up resentfully, and only murmured, "That's right."

Yu Tong was amused to hear that.
She knew that Zhao Lili would not be happy marrying Liu Mingwei, but
she never expected that Zhao Lili, who was only about 20 years old this
year, was already acting like a shrew.

It seems that a person's living
environment is really important. Zhao Lili is restricted to death by the rules,
and it is probably the same in this life.
Yu Tong didn't want to talk to Zhao Lili, after all, she was not from the
same road, so she had nothing to say.

She was just about to get up and leave when Liu Mingwei came back.
Liu Mingwei's expression froze immediately after seeing Yu Tong, and
he stood still in place.
Now he is most afraid of seeing Yu Tong, as long as he thinks of Yu Tong
getting rich, but he will spend his whole life nested in this poor village, he will feel remorse so much that he wants to punch himself a few times. Zhao Lili and Yu Tong... Why did he think marrying Zhao Lili was better than marrying Yu Tong? !

There is no way to compare!

Liu Mingwei took a step back in embarrassment, and was about to find an excuse to leave, but Zhao Lili rushed over in two steps, grabbed Liu
Mingwei's forearm, and said coquettishly: "Honey, are you back? How are you doing today, are you tired? Are you tired?" Take a rest, Mom will cook in a while, eat something warm."

Zhao Lili deliberately showed her happiness in front of Yu Tong.
Liu Mingwei didn't understand what Zhao Lili meant, he took a few steps
back in panic, wondering why Zhao Lili was so enthusiastic about him

She used to have a cold face or a stinky face, and occasionally got angry, and she still didn't let Liu Mingwei eat at the table.

Although Liu Mingwei took Zhao Lili to love before the two got
married, this was no longer the case after they got married. Liu Mingwei
basically entered into the Zhao family, and his life was miserable.

Zhao Lili didn't care about these things, she forced Liu Mingwei to walk over, and flaunted: "Yu Tong, you are not young anymore, should you find a man? No matter how old you are, you won't be able to get married. You, you'd better find a man." Someone who is a few years older than you knows how to love people! Just like my Mingwei."
As she spoke, she gave Liu Mingwei a shy look, which almost gave Liu
Mingwei goosebumps.

He looked at Yu Tong anxiously, afraid that she would see his embarrassment.

However, Yu Tong's attention didn't seem to be on Zhao Lili and Liu
Mingwei. She held the water glass lightly and sipped it until Fang Cuilan
came in from the house, "love ? Hehe, you two dont stop arguing all day long. I Don't expect the two of you to have a good life, let's have harmony at the very least! Lily, hurry up and cook, don't bully Ming Wei all
the time, he's been tired outside all day, is it reasonable for you to let him
cook every day? As soon as Fang
Cuilan finished speaking, Liu Mingwei's face turned red.

Although Fang Cuilan was kind, her words just exposed Liu Mingwei's
scar. Laundry and cooking are all women's jobs. Liu Mingwei is usually most afraid of others knowing, let alone the other party is Yu Tong whom he cares about?

At this moment, he just wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.
Zhao Lili's "happiness" was exposed, and her face was not very good.

She smiled awkwardly, and just about to say something to make amends,
Yu Tong stood up, "Auntie, I will leave as soon as the things are delivered,
so I won't bother you, my grandma is still waiting for me at home."

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