Chapter 53 - 54

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Yu Tong found an excuse to sneak back to the room, but actually wanted to go to the supermarket. Zhang Yezhong is not in good health now, she has to find a way to help him.

When she arrived at the supermarket, Yu Tong put the painting away first, and then called the man. "Do you have any medicines there? It doesn't matter how expensive it is for treating diseases, heart disease, etc. You can also take injections. You don't have to take it orally." Zhang Yezhong is in poor health, and the medicines at this time are definitely not as effective as the medicines in 2018.

Should help a little. Of course, medicine should not be taken indiscriminately. Yu Tong had to find a way to see Zhang Yezhong's case and show it to modern doctors before she dared to take medicine for Zhang Yezhong.

The man said proudly: "Of course, I have everything here. Even if I don't have it, I can buy it for you! Let me prescribe some medicine."

"No problem! Just let me know when you want." Probably because he has cooperated with Yu Tong more times, the man promised more and more readily, "By the way, how is the store? BOSS is urging you again." The shop...

Yu Tong frowned, and asked, "Do you have a loan business? Oh, normal loans, not high-interest loans." "... High-interest loans break the law, I know!" The man snorted angrily, "Yes, the interest rate is not high, just like a bank. But you want to get a loan? You don't have anything to borrow, right? It's just a supermarket. Your supermarket may not be able to borrow 30 yuan. Wan, and mortgage the supermarket to buy a store... Our BOSS may not agree."

"It's not a supermarket. I just received a painting. It should be worth some money. It belongs to Zhang Yezhong. Have you heard of it?" Yu Tong thought Men don't pay attention to such things, or the world a man lives in may be different from the world she lives in. Just as I wanted him to check on the Internet to see if there is such a person, the man exclaimed: "Zhang Yezhong?! God, Our BOSS is his loyal fan, you can actually get his painting?"

Yu Tong was a little surprised. I really didn't expect that although this supermarket is considered a small system, its worldview is still interlinked.

"Well, it's "Night Scene". Please ask your boss, can I get some loan for this painting? I will try my best to collect 250,000 as soon as possible."

The man smiled and said: "You have all paintings Now, what kind of loan do you want to repay? I know this painting. It can sell for 7 million yuan. With 7 million yuan, you can buy 20 more shops!" "No,"

Yu Tong said seriously, "This painting is right. I have a special meaning, I have to keep it, and I can't sell it. If I don't have no money, I definitely can't use it as collateral." The man hesitated for a moment, and said: "Okay, I'll ask for you, whether it's my job or not. But I can't guarantee it."

"It's okay, I'm already very grateful if you can do me this favor."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Tong secretly took some melon seeds and peanuts from the supermarket, men always like these when they eat.

Zhang Jianjun ate this meal very happily. Although he is the factory manager, he has always insisted on leading by example, and usually eats in the big cafeteria with other workers. The food in the canteen doesn't use much oil at all, and the chefs fry it so-so, not to mention how unpalatable it is.

Zhang Jianjun hadn't eaten such a sumptuous dinner for a long time. Although it was only some vegetables, it tasted more delicious than meat. What's more, there are "side dishes" prepared by Yu Tong for him.

Zhang Jianjun only hated himself for not bringing a bottle of wine.

Before leaving, Zhang Jianjun jokingly said, "Tongtong cooks such delicious food, I will come here more often for meals in the future."

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