The Arrival

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The news of Somada's pregnancy swept through the tranquil village of Hamsagramma like a gentle breeze carrying whispers of happiness. Urmila and Ram, the stalwarts of their family, were immediately moved by the tidings. Their hearts swelled with joy, and without a moment's hesitation, they embarked on a journey to Hamsagramma to be by Somada's side during this precious time.

As they reached the village, Somada's eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and elation. She hurried forward, enveloping her mother Urmila in a heartfelt embrace.

She enveloped Somada in a heartfelt hug, whispering blessings and words of love. "My child, the legacy of our family continues with you. The path of motherhood is both rewarding and transformative, and I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

Ram's towering presence commanded attention as he entered the courtyard. His warm smile spread as he approached Somada, embracing her with a fatherly affection that transcended words. "Somada, your return is a blessing, and the news of the new life you carry fills my heart with immense joy," he said, his eyes holding a deep sense of pride. Urmila and I have come to take you back to Ayodhya, ensuring your well-being and providing all the care you need as you await the arrival of your baby."

Somada's gratitude was evident in her eyes, shining with emotion as she looked at her uncle. Her response was a heartfelt nod, her voice soft but resolute. "Uncle Ram, your presence is a blessing beyond measure. To have you both with me during this time means the world to me."

As they spoke, the surroundings soaked in the affectionate aura of the moment. The sun bathed the village in a warm glow, casting a serene backdrop to this family reunion.

* * * * *

In the tranquil chambers of the Hamsagramma palace, Somada bustled around, her attention focused on the task of packing. The room was filled with the soft rustling of fabrics and the sweet scent of anticipation. The sunlight filtered through the open windows, casting a warm glow on the scene.

Somada carefully folded her clothes, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. She was preparing to leave her temporary home and return to Ayodhya, where she would spend the remainder of her pregnancy in the comforting presence of her family. It was a bittersweet moment, a mixture of excitement and a touch of sadness at leaving behind the place where she and Devansh had created beautiful memories.

As she neatly arranged her belongings, the door to her room swung open, and Devansh entered, his presence a welcome interruption. His eyes found hers, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Hey," he greeted her, his voice a warm melody that filled the room.

Somada's heart fluttered at the sight of him, her smile mirroring his own. "Hey," she replied, her voice carrying the unspoken joy of seeing him.

He walked closer, his gaze lingering on her as she continued to pack. "Need any help?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Somada chuckled softly, shaking her head. "I'm almost done. But you can keep me company if you'd like."

Devansh nodded, pulling up a chair and settling down. "I'll be the best company you'll ever have," he quipped, his eyes holding a warmth that made her heart swell.

As she folded a delicate shawl, Devansh's gaze drifted to her abdomen, a silent acknowledgment of their shared secret. Somada followed his gaze and smiled, her fingers gently brushing over the fabric that covered their unborn child. The anticipation of becoming parents was a feeling that they both cherished deeply.

He cleared his throat, his voice a tender whisper. "Have you been feeling alright?"

Somada's gaze met his, and her smile turned into a fond one. "Yes, Devansh. I've been taking care of myself," she reassured him.

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