The Verdict

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For the past few days, Lakshman had been anxiously seeking an opportunity to speak to Somada, to justify why he wanted to send Devansh far away from her. Somada, on the other hand, had been avoiding him, hurt by his actions. Every time he attempted to approach her, she would find a way to slip away. It was evident that she was hurt and upset, and Lakshman desperately wanted to mend their relationship.

She had asked Devansh to decline the offer and stay in Ayodhya, as she believed it was a ploy to separate them. Devansh respectfully wrote a letter to Lakshman, declining the offer, menrionin how he wanted to stay close to Somada.

One day, Lakshman finally finds Somada in the library. He approaches her cautiously, sensing her irritation. "Somada, please, we need to talk," he implores.

Somada glances up from the book she was reading and says, "I don't see what there is to talk about. You already made your decision, father."

Ram enters the library just then and sees the tension between father and daughter. He intervenes, "Somada, give your father a chance to speak. Hear him out."

With a reluctant nod, Somada says, "Fine, go ahead. Say what you have to say, father."

Lakshman takes a deep breath and begins to explain, "Somada, my actions were not meant to hurt you. I only want what's best for you, and I believe that marrying Devansh is not the right choice. He's not from a royal background, and it would mean that you would have to give up your royal status. I had a dream of seeing you as a queen, ruling Ayodhya with grace and wisdom. Marrying a commoner would mean giving up that dream."

"Somada, you must understand that I had your best interests at heart. I want to see you as a queen, ruling over a powerful kingdom. Marrying Devansh, though he is a fine young man, would not offer you the status and power you deserve."

Somada's eyes flashed with anger as she retorted, "So, your dream is more important than my happiness? You think I should sacrifice my love and my happiness just to fulfill your dream? I love him, and he loves me. Isn't that enough?"

Lakshman is taken aback by the intensity of Somada's emotions. "It's not that he's not worthy, Somada. It's just that... I had this dream of seeing you as a great queen, and I thought that marrying a king or a crown prince would fulfill that dream."

Somada's voice softens a bit, "But father, what about my dreams? My happiness? Devansh makes me happy, and I want to spend my life with him. Can't you understand that?"

Somada shook her head in disbelief. "Father, I came to you respectfully and told you about my relationship with Devansh. I thought you would understand and support me. But instead, you tried to separate us, sending him away to Lanka. You hurt me, Father."

Lakshman looked regretful and said, "I'm sorry, Somada. I only wanted to protect you from any potential harm. But I see now that I made a mistake in trying to control your feelings and decisions."

Lakshman is torn between his love for his daughter and his vision for her future. "I do understand, Somada. But as your father, I want what's best for you. I don't want to see you hurt or disappointed."

Somada looks into her father's eyes, her own eyes welling with tears. "But by trying to protect me, you hurt me the most, father. I trusted you, and you betrayed that trust by interfering in my relationship with Devansh."

Somada's eyes filled with tears. "I love Devansh, Father. He is kind, caring, and he loves me for who I am, not for my royal status. I can't imagine my life without him, and I don't want to be a queen if it means losing him."

Somada wiped her tears before she started to walk away.

Lakshman's heart sinks as he watches Somada walk away from their conversation. He is torn between his love for his daughter and his desire to see her as a queen. He starts to follow her, wanting to talk to her again and find a way to resolve the situation. However, Ram steps in his path, blocking his way.

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