The Engagement

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The following morning, Angad made the bold decision to introduce Rupa to the family. As the sun began to rise, he gathered his courage and prepared himself for any objections that may arise. He knew that this was a crucial moment—one that would shape the course of his relationship with Rupa and his family.

In the family courtyard, surrounded by the gentle rays of the morning sun, Angad stood alongside Rupa, her eyes filled with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. The family gathered around, their expressions a blend of curiosity and surprise.

Somada, with a supportive smile, stood by Angad's side, ready to lend her unwavering support. As Angad introduced Rupa to their family, his voice resolute and filled with love, he braced himself for their reactions.

As the morning prayers concluded, the family gathered in the courtyard, basking in the warm sunlight that filtered through the grand archways. Angad took a deep breath, his heart pounding with anticipation as he prepared to introduce Rupa to his loved ones.

With a slight hesitation, Angad spoke, his voice filled with determination, "I want to introduce you all to someone very special in my life. This is Rupa, the apprentice of the royal seamstress. We have fallen in love, and I want to spend my life with her."

Lakshman and Urmila exchanged surprised glances, their eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern as they observed their son standing beside Rupa, the apprentice of the royal seamstress. The surprise was evident on their faces, unsure of how to react to this unexpected revelation.

Lakshman was the first to break the silence, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Angad, my son, this comes as quite a surprise. We had no inkling of your relationship with Rupa. She is not from a royal bloodline, and that is something we have always held dear in our family."

Bharath nodded.  "Angad, we have always valued the sanctity of our lineage. Our ancestors and the generations before us married within the royal bloodline. This relationship with Rupa is uncharted territory for us."

Bharath continued. "Angad, we have always sought alliances within noble families to ensure the strength and stability of Ayodhya. Marrying outside the royal lineage may have consequences. Have you considered the implications?"

Angad took a step forward, his gaze filled with determination. "Father, I understand your concerns. But love is a force that knows no boundaries. Rupa has captured my heart with her beauty, grace, and kindness. She has taught me the true meaning of love, and I cannot imagine my life without her."

Lakshman's brows furrowed, concern etched on his face. "But, Angad, what about the expectations that come with our family's position? How will this affect your future and the future of our lineage?"

Angad met his father's gaze, his voice filled with conviction. "I believe that true love transcends societal expectations. Rupa brings me immense happiness and completes me in ways I never thought possible. While she may not be of royal lineage, she possesses qualities that are more important than bloodlines."

Ram, the wise and compassionate patriarch, observed the exchange with a serene expression. He stepped forward, his voice carrying the weight of experience and wisdom. "Angad, my son, love is a sacred bond that surpasses all boundaries. While our family has upheld certain traditions, it is essential to recognize that love knows no caste, no status. It is a connection of souls, and if your heart finds solace in Rupa's presence, who are we to stand in the way?"

Urmila agreed with Ram. "My son, love is a powerful force that knows no boundaries. It is not confined by birthright or social status. If you say that you have found true love and happiness in Rupa, we respect your choice and embrace her as part of our family."

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