I got her back

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Pablo's pov:

I woke because I couldn't sleep anymore

it was 12PM

Amelia was literally wrapped around me

i couldn't believe me eyes

she is between my arms

she's sleeping beside me

she is back

i got her back, I did it

I missed this girl

I missed everything we used to do together

and now she is pregnant with my child

and we are building our lives already

if you asked me 1 year ago before I even met her if I wanted children my answer would be no

having a child with her honestly changed my mind

like i'm happy we are having a child it's like a dream

i'll be the luckiest boy ever if the child looked liked her

i'm going to have another version of her in the house

i tried taking her hands off of me slowly so she couldn't wake up but she did

"where are you going"

"going upstairs to pedri"

"no stay"

"all yours"

Amelia's pov:

i finally woke up

it was 1PM

omg i have to pick up Mason

turned around and saw Pablo looking at me

"omg you scared me"

"you're so beautiful"

"I love you, you know that right?"

"I sure do"

"i need to get up"

"no stay 5 min"

"you'll come with me"


"we'll pick up Mason"

"no i don't want to come"

"huh??, i thought you and Mason are close"

"we are"

"so what's the problem?"

"he probably hates me"

"don't worry Pablo, i told him nothing I was about to tell him today"

"oh god"


"I know but, he'll hate me"

"mason doesn't hate"

"sure of that"


"fine tell him"

"i will, i don't need your approval"

"go leave"

then i laughed then ruffled his hair and left

love teasing him

yes we are back

but i'm still in denial

i can't believe this actually happened

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