i will always love you

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the letter:

dear Amelia:
I really don't know from where to start but what im about to say can somehow break your heart but at the same time you will understand the reason for why I did that, from the moment you came to Barcelona my eyes fell at you as a feeling of attraction, I wasn't in love but I somehow loved you without even knowing you, from only looking into your eyes I knew how pure hearted you are and you really deserve the world, then Xavi decided to do whatever he wanted to do, and his words were "because she needs someone by her side right now" as if he wasn't a part of your life, I didn't mind being by your side but I didn't want to make it out of only helping you, I wanted to do it because i truly cared about you, I know I'm not the best and you deserve better but I couldn't see you like this especially that you didn't know about your parents and you thought they were dead and I knew, Xavi wanted to do it as a Bet, like if I really didn't take care of you he will kick me out and stuff like that, its like I'm forced to do it, but I really didn't do that because of a bet I made with Xavi, and when you dated Jude I had to follow you and like know everything your doing, and I was trying to break you and Jude not because of the bet, I fell in love with you the moment you dated Jude, i got the feeling like you are moving away from me, and I noticed how hard it broke me to see you with another guy, and when I followed both of you to the club and saw you guys kissing I felt damage in my heart, the love of my life is walking away from me without her noticing and i cant blame you because there wasn't really anything happening between us, but Xavi started getting more serious and wanted you to break up with Jude and he didn't like that you are with him, which made me do stuff with you I cant do while you are in a relationship, like admitting that I love you while you are in a relationship, and I really said it because I did truly love you, not because Xavi wanted to break you guys, and by time when we started to get more closer and you broke up with Jude, i had the opportunity, also not because of Xavi, its because I truly love you. Amelia you don't understand how i feel when i'm not around you, I feel empty and something is missing, i really do miss you and i'm sorry for not explaining this earlier, but you didn't want to talk so i thought of just writing it to you, and no matter what i will always love you Amelia Hernandez, and you will always have a special place in my heart no matter what happens between us, and no you weren't a bet to me, you were the spark i was missing in my life, and i truly love you, and i'm sorry for what im about to say but we need to break up, and I really didn't want to but i had to, and its like im being pushed to do something I don't want to do
I love you Amelia, and again i'm sorry

I woke up at 11am and decided to go to Pedri's hoping Gavi would be there

i read the letter like 5 times till now and everytime i read it i cry even more

the words he wrote killed me, and I know its all Xavi's fault and he kicked him because of what he did to me which isn't fair

and i know that xavi has something to do with Gavi breaking up with me, because in the letter he said that he is being pushed into doing it

I really had no option other to go to him before going back to London i really should talk to him

I'm so stupid for not talking to him

what can i see i got these genes from my dad

whenever my mom and dad fight, dad always goes and sits and the car and never listens to my mom, and every time she tries talking to him he just rejects her

I arrived at pedri's door and knocked, luckily he was there and opened the door

I was still mad at him a little bit, but I understand his point on not telling me what was happening

Definitely Xavi

"hola pedro"

"come in ams, i missed you"

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