"you're my everything"

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Pablo's pov:

I woke up and looked beside me and i saw no one

Amelia wasn't there

were did she go??

is she still mad at me?

I mean yes why am I even asking myself this question

she helped me yesterday if it was another girl and I did that to her she would've left me but Amelia didn't

i feel so guilty for doing this to her

I got up so i can look for her see where she went

going up the stairs i heard her and pedri's voice in pedri's room

then i felt something in my throat

am i about to throw up

and i ran directly to the bathroom which was downstairs

while running i bumped into a vase and it broke

i felt so dizzy and i wasn't feeling good at all

Amelia's pov:

I was sleeping next to Pablo until i heard voice upstairs

it's obviously Pedri but it was a really loud noise

so i took out Pablo's arm which was wrapped around me

then leaving the room i felt him holding my arm

"no don't leave"

"i'll come back"

then i left the room going upstairs to see pedri

the voice was coming from his room

"pedri are you okay??"

"yes yes ams come in"

i got into his room and he was in his dressing room


"new secret unlocked"

he had a small vault behind his closet in the dressing room

"what are you doing"

"putting the money in as you can see"

"wait isn't this the same bag you gave to the guy?"

"yes well i got it back"


"long story"

"you will tell me how soon"

"I will, i never keep something from you"

then i looked at him and thought to myself how did i get so lucky to have pedri in my life

and i just ran to him giving him a hug

and he gave me one back

i will always choose youUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum