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Amelia's pov:

i got myself comfortable on my bed

and there were two letters

but one is written on it "read this first"

so i took this one first and read it

dear Amor,

1st of august, the day i met you and saw you searching up my name, obsessed girl, being rude to you at the beginning knowing something is going on between you and Jude, obviously ignored you without anything happening between you and Jude, the day you kissed him omg i was so drained and thought i was losing you although i'm the one who acted like an asshole and you had nothing to do with that, and i couldn't be mad at you because you dated Jude, i'm the one who didn't take a step before him, the world cup Amelia, if i told you these were the best moments i had with you, you wouldn't believe me, the way you acted with me although you are dating Jude were just suspicious to me but i was happy, you don't know how much happiness i gained every time you said "pablo" or talked to me when we were at the world cup, they neymar situation omg i was so jealous you know all these footballers, but the situation was very funny, and when we lost in the world cup, the message you sent for pedri and I, and the post were just wholesome, the "spin the bottle" day, best day ever, the day you broke up with Jude was another rollercoaster, i won't lie to you, i was happy for me but sad for you, you looked so sad and drained and i noticed how much he really meant to you, and i love how you guys are still friends and that's so mature of both of you, and i absolutely have no problem with that because i trust you with my whole heart, and one of the most important days in my life, the match against real madrid which was the super cup final, and i asked you to be my girlfriend in front of the whole crowd, you don't even know how much happiness i felt this day, the day i really got to call you mine, and hold you by my arms knowing you're mine, the day we bought Milo, i need to get another one so Milo can have a brother, before getting Milo i remember dragging you into this tattoo shop so we can do the infinity sign tattoo then we posted these posts on instagram being glad that we are each others boyfriend and girlfriend, omg then a day by day passed and you noticed about your parents, i really do regret not telling you but i had no other option, then everything fell down after that day, you finding out that i was with you because of a bet, yes it was a bet, but Xavi decided that it was a bet, i was happy to be the person Xavi chose to act like that, not because i'm a player and love doing this, it's because i found a chance to be with you since i couldn't in the beginning, i don't know if you will believe me or not i loved you from the moment you entered camp nou for the first time with Xavi, i saw you and instantly fell in love with you, they call it fake love, i call it love at first sight, then we both left for vacation, the most depressing days, vacation is supposed to be fun but they aren't i was so depressed and upset, there were nights that i actually cried before sleeping, and it felt so empty without you, i mean we were planning on going to greece together, and the trent situation omg i won't even talk about it, and you thought i would just leave and not get you back, i booked a flight and came straight to greece, surprised you, and you accepted my apology, the day we called Xavi and he told us we can be together, and also the day we left to paris, the city of love remember this, i lived my best moments there, PROPOSED TO YOU, okay this was a huge step but i knew exactly what i was doing, making sure you were mine for the second time, i wanted you to wear the ring i bought for you, and i wanted to be called your fiancé, and you being my my fiancé, and above all i wanted you all for myself, when we were only dating we weren't with each everyday, but when i proposed to you, we lived together like how did i get so lucky, i won't even talk about what happened after and the Eliana situation, and i will jump straight to what i really want to say, after summarizing this year, i could tell you that although it was a stressful year but i could say that i met the love of my life that i pictured my life with before even being with her, and i want you to remember that whatever comes between us, i will never give up on you, you give me the feeling that no one ever gave me, the feeling of being loved and truly loved not being with me just because of my looks or anything, you are the most genuine person i ever met, all i wanna do is be with you Amelia, every time you weren't cuddling beside me on the bed i would just pull an all nighter listen to music that reminds me of you, or watch stuff we used to watch together especially "after" i would binge the 5 films all in one night and i could do this everyday because it reminds me of you, i want to keep you around forever, and do everything with you, true happiness is when i'm around you Amelia, and i also hope the baby is a boy version of you, because imagine waking up and seeing you and the boy version of you, and i could finally admit that i'm the luckiest boy ever to have someone like you in my life, no one could ever compare to you Amor, and whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same
you're the Tessa to my Hardin
love you<3

i will always choose youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant