"but I love her"

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Amelia's pov:

i was sitting in my room chatting with trent, yes trent it might sound weird but i have been talking to him for a while now and we are starting to get closer, and he isn't that mean like before

while i was chatting with Trent Mason was doing dinner, and it smelled so good

then after that someone knocked on the door

"waiting for someone mas?"

"no, i'll see who it is"

Mason went downstairs and opened the door, i didn't know who was it i was starting to get up until i heard slamming and glass breaking

i got really worried and i sprinted downstairs and i found Gavi and Mason fighting, and a lot of broken glass on the floor around Gavi, who was on the floor while Mason is beating him, and Gavi trying to let go and kept punching Mason in his face


i kept screaming at them, i panicked so much because Gavi's head was bleeding and Mason had bruises in his head


they still kept fighting so i pulled Mason away

"can you stop now"

"why did you pull me away"

"because he is bleeding Mason, now stop"

Mason looked at me angrily and left

"Mason wait"

"leave him"

"why are you talking, and why are you here"

"i need to talk"

"didn't you have a match??"

"yes, i didn't go"

"so you are telling me that you came here and missed the match just to talk to me"


"come with me"

Gavi was following me and we got into the living room were mason was sitting there with an angry look, and the bruises were all around his face from Gavi

i had to take care of Gavi first because his head was bleeding

i got everything and started cleaning it and putting alcohol on it, and then i put a bandage on it until it was fine

then i went to Mason who rejected my offer to help him

"no leave"

"Mason we are not kids, now let me clean, and heal your bruises"

"no leave"

"i won't"

then he looked at me then at Gavi, and he gave him the weirdest death stare ever


"no i won't"

"leave or i'll open your head again"


Mason was starting to get up until i pulled him back again

"Mason stop"

"why are you siding with him"

"i'm not siding with him, but why choose violence when you can talk to him if you want"

"i don't want to talk to this asshole"

"excuse me"

"yes the words are for you"

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