"is it too early?"

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Pablo's pov:

we were all walking to the plane

luckily it was only Mason, Amelia, sophia, kai, Ale and me

no one I hate is coming because the rest are going other places

who cares anyways where they are going

I kept thinking about my decision

and now i've came to realization

I don't know if it's too early to do that

Is it too early?

I mean we only live once and no one knows how much they have left in this world

so why not?

When I told Mason about it he was so into it and really wanted me to do that

everyone from Amelia's friends from what I heard don't like me or i can say they don't think i'm the one

only Mason, and the girls do and that's the only way to prove my love for her

in front of people i already know and she knows how much I love her

she's the love of my life and i can't imagine my life with anyone else

I know she would've wanted this to be with a lot of people

but i'm going to make it up to her

it's not the only time i'm going to be doing this

this one is just a small one, the big one i still have to wait a little bit on it

I would do anything for her just to make her happy

while waiting for the our plane

Kai, ale, and sophia took Amelia away so she couldn't recognize which flight we are in

she won't go from the same gate

because last time Mason told me she knew from the signs so this time we wont fool her that easily

so it was only Mason and I

I probably don't get jealous when Amelia is around Mason

he really is and truly the most genuine guy i have ever met

i trust him with Amelia, not like others

he really does make her happy and that's the only thing I want

that Amelia is always happy


"yes gav"

"are you sure that i should do that"

"yes why not?"

"i don't know if she is ready?"



"amsss is not ready?"

"i don't know, you tell me"

"you don't know how much she wanted this"

"how did you know?"

"before you came to Greece, she talked with me about it"

"what did she say"



"what ams"

"i really want to get engaged"

i will always choose youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora