"Jude I love Pablo"

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Pablo's pov:

"mi amor i have a surprise- what the fuck"

"Pablo i can explain"

"what is he doing in your room Amelia"

"nothing Pablo chill"

"what do you mean nothing"

"im sorry if that caused problem i'll leave"

"yes please"

"what is wrong with you i did nothing wrong"

"oh so you think that this is not wrong"


"being in bed with your ex while your dating another guys this isn't something wrong????? are you kidding me Amelia"

"why are you making such a big deal about it, you know i won't go back to jude"

i kept looking into her eyes knowing that she might cry any second

but i just couldn't see this and say nothing about it, she was literally with her ex on the bed and god knows what they did before i came here

Jude's pov:

not going to lie, hugging her again, and feeling her touch again is what i needed

i wasn't feeling good these past couple of months and all i could think of is her, and seeing her posts with Gavi kills me

i understand that what i did was wrong and she shouldn't be with me but hearing it from her killed me even more

i didn't actually leave i told them that so they can talk but i was actually standing behind the door listening to the whole conversation

i know what i'm doing now is so wrong of me, but i needed to hear what she said

i know her intentions and that she didn't want to do anything bad all she did was helping me

but i just couldn't stand there and prove that to Gavi, seeing her makes me want her even more

i think it's an unhealthy obsession

Amelia's pov:

"who knows maybe you would want to go back to him"

"why do you think of that Pablo?"

"i don't know maybe your actions towards him"

"what is wrong with it"


"why are you shouting im not arguing with you"

"you god damn know that this is wrong, yet you are doing it"

"i didn't say that, what i'm doing is wrong"

"well you shouldn't have left him when you saw him with another girl"

"are you really comparing this to this"

"well you came in when they were kissing my luck wasn't with me and god knows what you did"


"then why were you with him then"

"he was drunk Pablo"

"so? is that an excuse"

"yes Pablo i couldn't leave him like that"

"aw poor Amelia couldn't keep her judey drunk so she bought him with her at her house, while her boyfriend is on her way to her house"

"why are you talking like this"


"you're making fun of the situation which isn't funny at all"

i will always choose youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora