Ryan: "Your cuisine is a delight every time. Thank you for this out of the ordinary moment, chef."

The chef Garbot: "Thank you, Mr. Carter. I always try to mix new savors and then share them with my clients. New York is very inspiring for me."

He gives us a beautiful smile, bowing slightly.

The chef Garbot: "Well, thank you. Have a nice late evening."

Lexi: "Thank you!"

The chef disappears into the kitchen after having been to see some clients at the other tables.

I stay rooted to the spot, my eyes fixed on him.

Ryan: "Is everything ok?"

Lexi: "I... I think I need to sit down."

Ryan looks at me tenderly.

Ryan: "Want some water?"

Lexi: "Yes, thanks..."

While he serves me, I put things back in place in my mind.

Lexi: "Did you ask the chef to come over for me?"

Ryan: "I put a word in..."

Lexi: "You should never have told him about my blog, it's really... it's too much... I mean it's of little importance to him, I feel ridiculous..."

Ryan's look hardens.

Ryan: "Firstly, never think that someone is superior to you. And secondly, never say the word ridiculous when you're talking about yourself."

I stare at him, a little surprised. He's not joking at all. It isn't the first time that I notice how much he hates it when I put myself down.

Lexi: "You say that... But apart from making fun of me the other time, you didn't really look at my blog..."

Ryan: "I went back to look at it after you left... I would never have said that to the chef just to flatter you, I said it because I really thought so."

My heart wraps in a strange sweetness.

It wouldn't take much more for me to fall in love with this man... He's the first person for whom I feel I really matter like I'm special.

Ryan: "I even have some tips on how you could improve your metrics and KPI."

Lexi: "My what?"

He smiles, puts his hand on mine and murmurs in a soft voice.

Ryan: "We'll talk about that another day. For the moment I just want to make the most of you..."

Fire!! I'm on fire! It's all too much for my little heart in one evening!


As we get to Ryan's apartment, my heart is knocking like crazy in my chest.

Is it the expectation, the excitement of this exceptional evening...?

I can't say, but Ryan hasn't yet laid his hands on me, that I'm already ready for him to sink into me.

Ryan: "Make yourself comfortable, you want to drink something?"

Lexi: "Yes please."

Instead of sitting, I sneak up to the huge picture window to admire the city.

Why is everything that has anything to do with Ryan always have this little something exceptional, unique?

Ryan: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I start as he passes by me and puts a hand around my waist, pressing me up against his side.

Forever In My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now