ابدأ من البداية

It was another round of numerous messages from Zee.

"I don't want to talk, Zee." I frowned, tossing my phone on the bed.

I discarded my undies and my uniform in the hamper, heading into the bathroom to take a shower. To wash off how dirty I felt. To wash off her scrawny hands off me. To wash her blood off my hands, even though I had washed it off earlier, I still felt dirty.

I scrubbed, scratched and screamed. Even at that, I still didn't feel clean. It wasn't until it got tiring that I dragged myself out of the bathroom, patting my body dry and changing into a pair of cotton shorts and a sports bra.

When I slumped on the bed and proceeded to throw my covers on my body, my phone began ringing. I grabbed it reluctantly and rolled my eyes tiredly at the caller ID.

"Haew, Jesus! Chizaram Johnsons, abeg nau!" I cried out and stuffed my face into my pillow, screaming into it. I settled for picking up after a while because I knew Zee wouldn't stop calling.

So, I swiped the receiver's icon and threw the phone beside me.


Maybe she shouldn't have done that because she just made it more obvious that she had been crying. That one word was extra chirpy, cracking and punctuated with a shaky breath.

It quelled my frustration instantly and I felt back for not picking up her call since she had been calling. I practically avoided her after the whole thing went down this morning.

"Hey," I responded, my voice coming out strained. Tears welled up in my eyes in no time. I didn't make any attempt to hold them back. I was too tired.

"Do you need me to come over?" She asked me, trying to sound so cheerful.

"We can raid the kitchen, stuff our faces with food and junk, Netflix and cry together under the covers." She went on, trying to convince me, and that brought a teary smile to my face.

"God, I love you so much," I whispered.

"I love you too, bitch." Her quavering voice faltered and she broke into sobs, muttering curse words under her breath.

"The sleepover idea sounds nice but I am just really tired and I want to get some rest. I just want to be alone right now. I will be fine once I sleep it off." I told her and she sighed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Zee. I am sure." I mumbled, pulling the covers over my body.

"I am so sorry I didn't pick up your calls. I just didn't want to talk earlier." I added.

"It's okay, Kira. I understand. I will call you later tonight, okay?" She answered and I chuckled, nodding at how protective she sounded.

"Okay," I whispered.

"I love you," I added.

"I love you more, Shakira." That was the last thing she said before she hung up. I dropped the phone beside me and pulled the covers over my head, shutting my eyes.

My phone beeped softly after a while and I groaned, picking it up. When I unlocked it, a message from him popped up, syncing with my heart rate and bringing a wide smile to my face. I pushed the covers off my head immediately, sitting up and grinning from ear to ear.

Hey, Reina.🤎

My fingers hovered on the screen, and I proceeded to type back a response but the highlight of my day had me retreating. The light smile on my lips didn't falter, and it still felt so surreal, to believe that he was willing to go extra lengths to show me that I had him.

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