Ericas POV:

Once she was gone I looked at Aaron. "You told me the boy didn't show up" I said Aaron made a thinking face "Did I ?" He asked in which pissed me off he knew very well that he did yet he decided to play dumb. "Don't play stupid with me Aaron even though it is a good look on you" I said the smile on his face dropped. "Funny, Ok then yes the boy did show up" he said. "What did you do to him" I asked he shrugged. "A little bit here and a little bit there" he said "let me rephrase that, is he alive?" I asked Aaron smirked "he was after 3 weeks of torture I doubt he still is now though" he said I pinched the bridge of my nose. "My orders were not to kill him" I said irritated "No your orders were to protect the girl you never Said how I simply improvised" he said with shrug.

"Well I hope you improvising doesn't come back to bite you in the ass or me for that matter as you were very aware of the boys family status" I said but he still didn't seem to care. "Our family is higher up then them I'm not worried at all, plus no one can prove that I was the last to be seen with him no one but that cute little date of yours our fate completely rest in her hands" he said before walking away as his phone began to rang. I sighed he's a fucking idiot I said before calling up one of my dirty cops I have on payroll.

"Officer William speaking?" He said "Hey I have a request" I said "What is it this time?" He asked "I need you to tell me if there's been anything on a guy that went missing a few days back I believe the boys name was Bradley Thomas" I said "oh that boy that went missing, sure yeah I can tell ya about him it'll cost you though" he said I sighed this damn scum bag I thought to myself. "I'll offer up a thousand" I said "Make it three and we have a deal" he said I rolled my eyes. "Three it is" I said before clicking a button on my phone and having the money immediately wired to his account. Three thousand was nothing to me and it was funny how little money dirty cops would ask for in Exchange for things that could literally get them thrown in jail after being fired from their jobs and so on.

He thinks he's shaking me down but really it's the other way around. "Nice I just got the money" he said. "Great now talk" I replied. "Alright, alright, the boy was actually ruled as a run away we did a search for him days before but we found nothing, the family stills stops by and demand we keep looking but everyone is under the impression that he did in fact run away so their not taking any time out to look for him anymore" he explained. So they didn't find a body? That could be either good and bad. Good because he wasn't killed and we won't have to worry about the Thomas family making a scene with our name in it and bad because if the boy didn't die when my brother left him then he could've gotten away and there for ran his mouth to the first person he saw, I sighed I gotta get more information from Aaron.

"So what's the deal did you have something to do with his disappearance?" Asked officer William. "Officer William I don't pay you to ask me questions, and if your feeling like sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, don't, or I'll have it ripped off, goodbye" I said before hanging up and sighing once again. Later on I made it to the living room only to see my father in a chair with an oxygen tank hooked to him. I saw him laughing and talking with Mika and Andrea but Isabella wasn't there I looked around but still didn't see her just then I heard my father call my name.

"Erica? Don't loom Come on in and have a seat" he said I looked at him then at Mika who had a pleading face I guess she wanted me to smooth things over with our father as well.

I huffed and went in taking a seat next to Mika and across from our father. It was awkward at first because no one spoke but my father decided to start things off. "I'm happy you decided to come see me" he said "I wouldn't call it a decision I didn't really want to come" I said Mika shot me a scolding glare but I ignored it. Our Father then broke out in a coughing fit which made Mika worry and go rushing to his side as I just sat there and looked at him.

I ended up taking that time to ask Andrea where Isabella was. "Where's Isabella?" I asked in a whisper she leaned over and whispered back. "In the restroom she said she needed to go a few minutes ago" she said which made me worry, a few minutes ago?! She should be back by now. "Could you go check on her for me?" I asked Andrea nodded. "Sure anything for my boo" she whispered I just shook my head as she got up and walked away to go fulfill my request.

Once my father finally regained his composure he looked up at me. "I need to talk to you it's about the company" he said which surprised me. "The company ?" I repeated. See my father was the head of Nimue industries a billion dollar company that he claim to had built from the ground up even before me or any of my siblings were born but in Truth it was my grandfather's and his fathers before that there's a long line of people responsible for Nimue industries and years ago I wanted to be one of them.

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