8: Some competition.

Start from the beginning

Amy: What? Shadow? SHADOW!?

As soon as Amy and Knuckles saw me, they had prepared to attack, Knuckles had his fists clenched and Amy had his hammer. Sonic went beside me and put his arm around me.

Sonic: Save the anger guys, Shadow's crystal clear, not evil. I actually saved him did you know?

Amy: I don't believe it!

Sonic: He is! He's my friend here, right Shadow? 

Shadow: When did we become friends.

Sonic: So then we're best friends!

Shadow: no definitely not.

Sonic: So Lov--?

Shadow: Rivals, and we'll stay like that forever.

Sonic: Rivals who care.

Amy furrowed her eyebrows at us and lowered her hammer, Knuckles also unclenched his fists.

Amy: Fine, since  noticed he hasn't attacked you, yet. 

Sonic: No one's attacking no one! I promise, I'll keep an eye on Shadow.

Amy: Alright.

She looked at me with the most angry frown ever, close to a witches face. Chief Zelo stepped in and looked at me.

Zelo: So are you staying?

Shadow: Yes, we are, thank you.

Zelo: Wonderful, come with me you two, I'll lead you to a new hut.

Amy: Wait, you're staying with Shadow? 

As me and Sonic walked out the small house Amy and Knuckles were in, Sonic looked back at Amy and shrugged. I knew he'd stay with me, not that I wanted it or anything though. Amy had a disappointed face on her, the door closed and Sonic and I were walking to the small House beside the other.

Zelo: here, If you need anything, call, and stay for as long as you need.

Shadow: Thank you.

We opened the door and inside was one queen sized bed at the left, a fire place in front of it, two chairs face the fire and a bathroom. Zelo left and closed the door, I saw Sonic flop onto the bed.

Sonic: Tired, how do we tell them we're actually from the jungle?

Shadow: they don't have to know.

Sonic: but most of our resources are at our huts!

Shadow: You regret going here in the first place huh?

Sonic: Yep...

He was staring at the ceiling, I went to lay down with him and stared at the ceiling too.

Shadow: Sonic, do you like Amy?

Sonic: Weird question Shadow, why do you ask?

Shadow: Just answer the damn question.

Sonic: Actually, a little bit yeah, she's just been caring for me for so long and never stopped and I loved that about her.

Shadow: Oh, Okay... Do you ever, feel like you're stuck in a tight place somewhere in the dark and cant get out cause, well, you know it'll ruin your reputation?.

Sonic: Where are you getting these questions from? Well, no I don't. Do you

I turned around from him, he looked at me and sat up, he was clearly confused and didn't know what I was talking about, I just know he has never entered a closet before, not a literal closet I mean the... Y'know. 

A few hours later, I realized Sonic was asleep and still. I took a flower from a vase nearby amd put it beside him, hoping he'll notice once he awakens. I walked out the hut and saw a long table lined up outside and many chairs.

I saw Amy and Chief Zelo talking to eachother, Zelo saw me and asked me to come over, Amy was not happy.

Shadow: Hello Chief, what's with the incredibly long table?

Zelo: Every year, especially in the time of year, the Jungle flowers blossom perfectly even when picked off the ground, which makes their color vibrant and outstanding, so we hold a feist to celebrate the blossoming, this is also when mobians are actually aloud to enter as long as they don't take anything from the jungle.

Shadow: That's truly amazing, are we aloud to enter later?

Zelo: Of course! You can enter with your other friends.

Amy: That's nice!

Zelo: Excuse me, i have to help prepare the food, and wake up your blue friend, It's time to eat.

I smiled at the Chief as he walked off, I looked at Amy with a straight face, she was mad. She paused for a minute before speaking.

Amy: "Hello Cheif! Oh Hello AMY!" It's that simple Shadow.

She glared at me in annoyance, I looked back at Sonic from the house window.

Shadow: Maybe I should wake Sonic up-

Amy: No maybe I should do It. Yeah? I'm his friend after all and NOT his RIVAL.

Shadow: ...Fine. Go ahead.

I knew arguing with her would draw attention and I wouldn't want that. I saw her walking over to Sonic and lost sight when she entered the inside.

Amy's POV:

That idiot Shadow, existing. It makes my blood boil! And Sonic next to him is even more mad! Atleast now Sonic's safe with me.

I saw him laying down at the bed and if I'm not blind, I saw a rose laying beside him, what the heck? Who would put that there? It cant be Shadow right, he's a rival, an enemy! Oh! I'll just say I gave that to him, yes! That would make him happy.

Amy: Sonic, Dear, wake up!

Sonic: Hmph, huh? Amy? Where's Shadow?

Amy: Outside, I gave you this rose by the way! Hope you like It!

Sonic: Oh? T-Thanks Amy! That's really really sweet.

Amy: Shall we go?

Sonic: Of Course!

Win win! 

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