Sickness And In Health Part 2.

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A/n: trigger warning ⚠ there will be talk about r*pe and abuse in this chapter a lot I'm trying to warn you.

Chloe pov,

Dan and I arrived at the address that Rose had given me, we walked in and she took us to the body, she looked a bit shaken up, so I asked her what happened.  "Clarissa found the bodies, and Calum witnessed it.. he said that he was playing with the hangers in the closet but he was actually playing a game on his tablet that he usually has to ask for... anyways he told me that he heard two gunshots,  and then came out to check on them and he was laying there crying and Clarissa and her boyfriend walked in. Clarissa was going to call the police, but David told her not to." The way she said the man's name it was obvious she hated him. But she didn't want to pry.

"Is there a way you can take the kids somewhere so we can take the bodies out?" I asked her.

"Yes. I could. But. Calum is sick and he couldn't sleep that's why he was on his tablet." She replied.

"Okay then get his tablet. The medicine then take the kids somewhere. That they'll be comfortable at." Dan and I replied, she listened and got everything then left with the kids.

We put the bodies in body bags, then left.

Rose pov,

I didn't really want to go to the cult house with the kids because I didn't want them seeing any sex and there's usually always an orgy going on at all times there, so I took them to the only other place I knew now. LUX,  in the penthouse,  I was taking care of Calum and his cold.

I read him a bedtime story so he could go to sleep, I was sitting on the couch, Calum was laying down and was asleep with his head on my lap.  Abby was listening to music on her tablet. They were twins and five years old.

As I was listening to music on my phone, I got a text from someone that I've never got a text from ever since David lied.

Clarissa: where are you and the kids?

Rose: Um, about that I told my detective friend about your parents and she told me to take the kids somewhere so I took them to one of my boyfriend's house above his bar called LUX.  Here's the address, I'll tell you why I came here instead of his other house...

Clarissa: okay 👌 on my way. Do you want me to go bail out your boyfriends?

Rose: You don't have to, but I'd totally appreciate it if you did thank you.

Clarissa: okay I'll do it. Are the kids alright?

Rose: Yes. I finally got Calum asleep.

Clarissa: Oh man- I forgot how much Calum loved you 😅 you were always his favorite cousin. Anyways I have something to say once I get there.

Rose: Alright. And lmao I miss him. I hope I'll still be able to see him and Abby more.

Clarissa: Why wouldn't you be able to?

Rose: it's a long story- wait YOU BETTER NOT BE TEXTING WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING!!!

An hour passed.

Rose: Good.

Clarissa: hey, I got to the station and bailed them out, Lucifer offered to drive now. So I can text now. Lol, we're coming.  Ps: Your boyfriends are honestly hot..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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