It's A Wonderland In There

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Trigger Warning : talks about⚠️ Anxiety attacks⚠️

***Time skip to a month or two later***

Brendon pov,

Ever since Lucifer told her that she can't go to school she's been trying to find ways to sneak out but Ryan or someone keeps catching her, Ryan got annoyed with Rose and threw her into Lucifer's room and locked the door.

Why couldn't he of locked her in my room? Because Grant and her are alone now.

Grant pov,

I woke up from the sound of a body falling onto the ground. "Rose?"

"Please say that Lucifer left already and that it's just you and me in here? I really don't want to be around Brendon or Lucifer right now. They're taking away my freedom even though they said that they wouldn't force me to do anything I don't wanna do.... There has to be a way out Grant, please help me." She said, I looked at the balcony, since Brendon and Lucifer own this house/cult thing they have balconies and stairs going down into the backyard.

I got up then did some stretches and then realized that I was naked, so I ran to the closet and stole a suit then picked Rose up and carried her bridal style down the stairs and I sat her in my car and I drove off with Rose to keep her safe. "Rose, listen to me. Please tell me you didn't suck their dick or have sex with them at all."

"They've been trying to get me to but I either try to bite them, or begin to have an anxiety attack." She said, I smiled at the bite comment.

"Why didn't I think about that?" I asked no one in particular, she softly laughed but that laugh soon became a scream when Michael appeared out of nowhere.

"Running from my brother again Ward? Oh? Who's this?" He asked.

"1. I'm always running from him especially right now. And 2. This is Rose, Rose meet Michael, Lucifer's twin brother."  I said as I was driving as fast as I could.

"Where are we going?" She asked. I sighed softly, truthfully I have no idea where I think I'm going, I'm just trying to get to a safe place.

Rose ended up falling asleep, but woke up when some Rock band sang a song called “Rose” she smiled and said. "That's it! My uncle could probably help!"

"You sure?"

"Yes." She kissed me then messaged her uncle on Instagram whom she talked to a lot lately.

We went and met him at a gas station and abandoned Grant's car then got on my uncle's tour bus we then left. "Listen, so we have to split up and go separate ways, because it's easy to find me since I have their cum in me already..." I whispered to Rose.

"What? You can't just leave me alone, what if they find me?" She said, I smiled.

"It would be impossible unless someone helps him, or if Lucifer becomes God. Which hopefully that won't happen anytime soon." I said, she looked at her uncle whom was just staring at me. The bus stopped and Grant got off.

"Grant pl-" I got off the bus and it started driving off..

Rose pov,

I was now alone with my uncle and his band members which was made up of just grown man, one tried to hit on me I looked at the door. "I'm sorry, but I really don't want to be away from him..." I got up and ran to the doors and jumped out when the bus stopped, I ran to go find Grant, I don't know why but I felt the need to stay with him.

I ran into Grant and he looked at me shocked. "Why aren't you with your uncle?"

"I want to stay with you, please let me stay with you?" I begged him, he sighed and nodded.

"Fine but, you have to listen to me, and when I say run, you run. Got it?" He said, I nodded and looked up at him.

"Please don't leave me. You make me feel safe." I said, he looked at me with some kind of sadness in his eyes, I saw Lucifer talking to some women. "Grant.... We have to go, like now..."

As I was trying to get Grant's attention I saw lucifer look over at us, he seemed pretty pissed off.

Lucifer pov,

I walked over and grabbed their arms and pulled them to the shadows of the alleyway. "What are you two doing out of the house?"

".....going for a walk....." Rose mumbled looking at the ground, lying to me and my grip tightened around her arm.

"Oh really? So if I called Brendyboo and asked him if you asked him to go for a walk."

"I-I'm uh- no.... Because I didn't ask him, I just want to be alone for a while." Rose said looking at me with fear in her eyes.

"And that's another lie! Because if you really wanted to be alone Grant wouldn't be here." I screamed at her making her jump.

"S-s-" she began to say something but was cut off by Grant.

"She's not lying, I just came to watch her and protect her." Grant said, I rolled my eyes.

"Well your “walk” is over now, so come on, I'm taking you both home." I said grabbing their arms, Rose tried to fight with me. Which wasn't a good idea.

I held her tightly and pulled her to the car. "Get in." I said to them both, Grant didn't fight. Because he knew better than to fight with the devil, he's learned to listen.

But Rose though, she's being a little stubborn bitch right now. After she finally got in I drove them both home.

I made Grant leave me alone with Rose for a moment. "Rose you need to stop fighting me, it could seriously get you hurt. And I really don't want to hurt you."

"I want to go home! I don't want to be here!" She yelled at me, I grabbed her arm and dragged her to my room and kicked Grant out of the room so I could have a little privacy with Rose. "NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! PLEASE DON'T!!!" She begged and pleaded for me to stop, I haven't even done anything yet.

"Rose?" I asked, looking at her small shaking body, she was scared.

"Please don't hurt me."

"I wasn't going to..." I said, she shook her head no, like she didn't believe me. "Rose, if I wanted to hurt you, then I would have. I want to ask you something." I said laying on top of her whom was on my bed.

"What's your question?" She mumbled as she was still trying to push my body off of hers.

"Why are you being so stubborn? Are you secretly related to Grant or something? Because he is very stubborn." I asked she shook her head no.

"N-not that I know of.... You just s-scare me..." She said, then towards the door. "H-how d-did you get him to listen? What did you do?"

"He wanted to have a “family” so I gave him one, all he had to do was suck my dick." I said, her eyes went wide.

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