Flashbacks to life before Rose being at the cult.

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Grant's pov,

I was sent to watch a man named Brendon, it was said that once he meets you he can make you dream about him, until the next time you see him, although once you go home you'll still have dreams about him, Phil thinks that, that's why he started a band so he could gain control over so many people.

So I'm on Brendon watch duty, and as I was watching Brendon some man was running away from someone and as he was running he pushed someone out of the way and accidentally set the person on fire, and Skye and Phil took care of the inhuman and someone called 911 and some detective showed up.

I tried to leave but Brendon jumped off the stage and and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stage. "What are you doing?"

"Come with me. We both know that SHEILD doesn't want you, so come with us."

"Us? I thought you were single?" I said and a man in a suit came into the room.

"I'm sorry that person ruined your concert Brenny" The man said.

"Who are you?" I asked the man by Brendon.

"Hello, I am Lucifer. You know? The Devil." Lucifer said, I backed away from them both.

"And I'm leaving now so bye." I said but before I knew it Brendon was kissing me deeply, I pushed him off and ran as fast as I could out of the building and The Bus wasn't there, they left me behind.

I ran as fast as I could to get away from the two weird men, I ran for I believe hours.

But I was eventually found because I stopped and rest up a little, and I woke up being carried away by Lucifer and Brendon opened some door.

I saw my name on the door. "How do you know my name?"

"I told you, I'm Lucifer. I know a lot. Now go to sleep, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

"Doing what?"

"I have things, that I have to teach you tomorrow then I have to tell you your rules."

"No! No! No! No, I do not listen to anyone but my team, and even then I barely listen to them so leave me alone! "

"Don't make me give you sleeping medicine." Lucifer said, I rolled my eyes.

"You wouldn't." I said and he gave me sleeping medicine, like he said he would.

Third person POV,

Grant fell asleep thanks to the medicine, Lucifer was in a room that he was decorating a room for a girl he was watching, Brendon walked in and helped Lucifer. "What if Grant refuses like the last person?"

"That won't happen, because if he fights I shove myself into his mouth. He's a SHEILD agent remember? He'll be able to handle it." Lucifer said to Brendon, whom was sitting on a bed.

"What about the girl you are trying to watch over, without her family knowing?"

"She's cute, but not ready yet." Lucifer said as both Brendon and Lucifer left the room and went to their own room.

Rose pov,

My father made me walk home every day and everytime I do I keep getting the feeling that I'm being watched but I try to ignore it because no one even believes me.

I have nightmares of being trapped alone in a room with the devil, but I don't tell anyone because again they wouldn't ever believe me, everyone thinks I'm just paranoid or something like that.

I've told one other person about this and he seems to think that I can see the future, but that honestly scares me even more.


Grant pov,

I woke up with a pounding headache and a face right next to my face. "MORNING SLEEPING BEAUTY!! Wakey, wakey, time to wake up."

"What the hell!? I have a headache!?" I screamed at Lucifer and before I knew it Lucifer ended up laying on top of me forcefully kissing me.

I tried to push him off but realized that I am tied down to the bed, so I tried to break free. "You should stop fighting me, even if you could fight me. You won't be able to get out of the restraints, it's made out of stuff from hell. Only I can let you go."

"So you are claiming to be the devil?" I asked, he laughed.

"I'm not claiming anything, I really am the devil, I'm Lucifer Morningstar."

"If you are the devil, why are you hanging out with that Brendon? "

"Because Brendon is my friend." Lucifer said, I rolled my eyes.

"If you are the devil show me." I said and he showed me his Devilface.

"Happy now?"

"Uh... I need to see my team, let me go!" I screamed and Lucifer rolled his eyes.

"you aren't going anywhere Grant." Lucifer said, I rolled my eyes.

"I want someone else! Get the hell away from me!" I screamed at him, he laughed then put something around my neck, which caught me off guard.

After he put something around my neck he got off of me and smiled. "There I'm off, happy now?"

I ignored him then got up and walked over to the door and once I touched the door I felt a shock throughout my whole body. "Jesus Christ! Why!?"

"So you can't leave this room without me or Brendon." Lucifer said and I attacked him and punched him.

"Bet bitch." I mumbled to Lucifer and grabbed the door handle and as I was doing that I was being shocked I finally got the door open and ran out of the room, and ran as fast as I could then out of nowhere Brendon appeared in front of me and I couldn't stop in time and fell on top of him.

"Did you just call Lucifer a bitch Grant?" Brendon asked, I rolled my eyes and slapped him.

"I'm leaving, and neither of you can stop me!" I said getting up and running towards the front door and once I got outside I ran into the church as fast as I could because I was hoping that since Lucifer is the devil and Brendon is a demon that they couldn't go into a church. Turns out I was wrong, I was dragged out of the church by Lucifer and then he picked me up and threw me up against the wall.

"Why did you think that I couldn't go into a church you idiot!" Lucifer yelled at Grant.

"I don't know! I just heard that the devil isn't supposed to be allowed in a church."  I said he laughed at my response, and before I knew it Lucifer had a wicked smile on his face, I was laying on the ground by the door, I looked up and then got up and ran out of the church and past a few house's and to a dog park, and ran into a very pretty girl and accidentally fell on top of her.

"Well hello?" She asked confused.

"Sh, I'm running from some people hide me." I mumbled to her, our faces were just inches away from each other, then before I knew it I kissed her and she kissed back.

"Rose? What are you doing kissing some guy?" The girl's friend asked, I got up and apologized and then ran away.

Rose pov,

After he left I sat up and bit my bottom lip I've never been kissed before and that was magical, I'm just glad my parents didn't see it or I'd die.

Lucifer pov,

I followed him, and saw him fall on top of Rose then kiss her then run away, I rolled my eyes and ran after him, caught him and took him back home and then made him suck my dick.

A/n: Word count is 1307, That was just his first escape attempt, I couldn't think of anything else so I'm ending the flashback here. Hope you liked it!

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