Apologies And Threesome's

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Rose pov,

I walked away blushing because of my clumsy ass falling two different times in front of that man.

After some time it was time to go home, I wanted to look at the hot men some more but I couldn't.

I only knew who one of the men was because of him being famous. I walked out of the restaurant behind my cousins, I felt like they were watching me for some reason, then I  sat in my seat in the car.

I was on my phone messaging Brendon. "I hope your having a great lunch, hey can you give me that guy's address? I have something I want to do."

Brendon gave me the address and I told him thank you then stopped talking and started listening to music with my earbuds.

I ended up falling asleep and had a dream about living with those three hot men that I met, anyways when I woke up, I was in my bed, I got up and looked out the window, it was dark, meaning it was night, as I was staring out the window I noticed that my stomach started rumbling, and everyone was asleep, so I grabbed my phone and climbed out of my window.

I started my walk, with music, ended it by staring at the bar in front of me. I've never been in one so I muster up the courage to walk in.

I finally went in, and I saw men and women drinking, and one is making out with a girl, I got to the bar counter and a very pretty girl asked me. "How can I help you?"

I pulled up a picture I sneakily took at the restaurant and pointed out the man that I was looking for. "I'm looking for him, I never got his name and I wanted to apologise to him."

"That's Lucifer and my boss,  go to the elevator and go up and you'll be in his living room." She said, I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you." I said when I got up and walked towards the elevator and went up, I peaked into the bedroom part to see if Lucifer was busy, I blushed when I saw Lucifer's ass and, I ran to the elevator and went down.

That image is now burned into my brain, and I don't know how I feel about that.. I ran to my seat. And the girl was smiling like she knew what I walked in on. "You alright?"

"Y-yes just saw Lucifer's small ass." I said, she laughed.

"Well can I get you something to eat or drink?" She asked, my stomach growled when she said something about food.

"Forgive my rudeness, but I don't think I ever got your name." I said, she smiled.

"It's not rude, and my name is Mazikeen but people call me Maze." Maze said, I smiled and then I felt, like someone was behind me so I turned around and saw Brendon, Lucifer, and the other one standing there.

Lucifer pov,

I saw Rose in the bar talking to Maze so I walked over and waited to be noticed, and then she turned to me and blurted out. "I apologize for falling on top of you at the restaurant." When she said that Maze looked at her.

I thought back to what happened earlier, Brendon, Grant, and I were doing The Eiffel Tower and then as I went into Grant we all heard a noise, but we kept going because we wanted to, Grant said that we should go find out who that was,

So we did, and we found Rose. "Rose it's okay, like you said, no one got hurt... So it's all good." I said, she looked down.

"I'm sorry for walking in on y'all, I just wanted to apologise to you so I snuck out and walked here." She said, I hugged her.

"it's okay, now are you hungry or thirsty?"

"Both actually, I didn't eat dinner..." She said, I smiled and grabbed her hand and took her upstairs.

Brendon and Grant followed us and we all sat on my couch, Brendon picked Rose up and sat her on his lap with his arms wrapped around her waist. "You're so beautiful Rose."

She blushed and looked at her feet. "Thank you, um I should probably get back before they notice that I'm gone." She said standing up, Brendon grabbed her hand.

"But, I thought you said you were hungry?" He asked still holding her hand, she pulled away.

"My parents would literally kill me if they found out I snuck out to so bar to tell some man that I was sorry for falling on top of them. So I have to go Brendon." She said, I grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug.

"I can make sure you don't die." I said in her ear and before I could stop myself I kissed her on the lips and she let out a gasp, I saw Brendon walk over to us and hug both of us, then Grant did the same thing.

"H-how?" She asked me and Brendon started kissing her neck.

"Join us and live with us, I'll protect you." I said as Brendon was kissing her neck making her feel lots of things.

"I can't..." She whispered softly and Brendon stopped and looked at Rose.

"Rose?" He asked.

She looked at him, "Y-yes?"

"Do you believe in God and the Devil?" He asked.

"Yes, well sort of? Why?" She asked then Brendon looks at me.

I sighed softly and said. "Because I'm the Devil."

"But your hot- I mean so sweet the bible says that the Devil is bad." She said and blushed.

I chuckled softly. "Thanks for calling me hot, you ain't too bad yourself." I said winking, causing her to turn a brighter shade of red, I sighed softly. "The bible is wrong, I mean sure I rebelled against God, but he didn't have to throw me into hell for it." I said. She nodded.

"I have to get home, I'll think over your offer if that's fine." She said.

"Oh, yeah, that's absolutely fine, I wouldn't ever force you to stay if you don't want to, please let us take you home though? I don't want anything to happen to you." I said, she nodded.

"Can we stop somewhere and get her something to eat?" Brendon asked.

"No Brendyboo there isn't enough time, it's almost time for my dad to come check on me. He does it every night, at 11:30." Rose said he frowned.

"Why are you afraid of your parents?" Brendon asked, Rose. Her eyes went wide.

"I never said that I was afraid. I just need to go home." She said.

"Rose, if they hurt you, then you sh-" I said but was interrupted.

"SHUT UP, AND TAKE ME HOME OR I'M JUST GOING TO WALK- sorry....."  She looked down, and looked like she was waiting for someone to hit her.

"Rose, no one in this room is going to hit you, please just tell me if it's even safe at your house." I said.

"Yes, it's safe please just take me home." She whispered softly, I sighed and we all three took her home, she climbed up a tree and went inside through the open window.

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