New Home?

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⚠️ Trigger Warning: talks about abuse..  ⚠️

Rose pov,

Brendon smiled down at me as he was hugging me, I was very uncomfortable, I looked at Brendon's eyes.

I tried to get him to let go. "W-what do you mean by “You found your room” ? And I want to go home, Lucifer please let me go home."

"The door, says Rose, and we got you clothes and stuff for you to wear. This is your new home princess, you now live with us." Brendon and Lucifer both said looking down at me.

"I don't want to be here, I just want to go home." I said, Brendon's grip on me tightened.

"You. Are. Home." He said, I looked at  the floor and nodded.

"I'm sorry..." I couldn't hold back the tears that threatened to roll down my cheeks. "Please tell me that no one will come into the room while I'm asleep?"  I questioned.

"We'll be doing check ups from 9 to 11 PM until you can show us that we can trust you." Brendon said, I felt his dick against my ass causing me to blush.

"Pl-please let go, I don't want to be hurt, and your scaring me...." I said he didn't let go, and Lucifer made him because he heard my heart beating really fast.

Lucifer picked me up and laid me on the bed, and then pulled Brendon out of the room. "No more naked hugging her, it scares her for some reason. We need her to like being here not scaring her so much that it could give her a heart attack." I heard Lucifer say to Brendon as they locked me in the room.

I got up and started passing around in the room. I hated being trapped, I would have been fine, if it was the church that I was trapped in  instead of this creepy building with creepily hot men.

I looked for a bible to read, but I couldn't find one. "What am I supposed to do!?" I yelled so someone could hear.

"What do you want to do?" I heard someone ask.

"Read, a bible or read something I'm bored." The door opened and I saw Brendon standing there.

"Why would you want to read when you can watch tv?" He asked.

"Reading helps calm me down when I'm anxious...." I mumbled, he nods and shuts the door as he walked in, I sat on the bed and he followed my actions.

"What's your favorite thing to read?" He asked me, putting his hand on my leg just above my knee.

"The bible..." I somewhat lied, I felt like he wasn't expecting that answer so that's why I said it.

"But why? The bible lies. And so do you...Now tell me your truthful answer." He said, I looked at him confused.

"Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief...." I said looking down.

"I'll buy you books to read, can I hug you? I am fully clothed this time, so it shouldn't scare you." He said, I hesitantly hugged him.

"Can I ask what you were trying to do earlier today?" I mumbled, he smiled at me.

"I was trying to get you to suck my dick." He said that so casually, like it meant nothing.

"Why would I ever do that, that's gross you pee out of that thing...." I said, and he laughed softly.

"Man, you're cute..." He said, I gulped looking at his hand that's on my lap.

"Sir, why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" His lips pursed together after he said that, he had a curious expression on his face.

Brendon pov,

I looked at her confused because I wasn't sure what she meant, she spoke again looking up at me with tears in her eyes. "I don't want to be here....I want to go home."  She said, I sighed softly and made her lay down.

"It's time to go to sleep, I'll buy you the books tomorrow I'll also buy a bo-"  I begun to say but was interrupted by her.

"Just bring my books over from the house, I'm the only one that really reads there." She said, I nodded and kissed her forehead and then left the room and locked the door then went to Lucifer's room.

"Lucifer, she wants her books, from that house, you wanna help me?" I said, Grant looked at me.

"She's here?" Grant asked, in a confused tone of voice.

"Yes, I brought her here, since you let her run away." Lucifer said as he fucked Grant's ass, causing Grant to wince.

"I hate you both." Grant mumbled under his breath, I guess Lucifer had came because he made a weird face then got up.

"Will it make her feel more at home?" Lucifer asked me as he was putting his clothes back on.

"She said that reading calms her down when she's anxious." I said.

"She must get anxious a lot, because her room literally looks like a library." Lucifer said walking off, leaving me alone with Grant.

Lucifer pov,

"Rose?" I said opening the door, she was passing around her room trying to calm down, she jumped and ran into the closet when she heard my voice.

"Y-yes?" She asked peaking her head out.

"Can we talk?" I asked, she looked at me and frowned.

"Not like I can say no...So what do you want?" She asked going to the bed and sitting down.

"First off, I'm not forcing you to do anything you don't want to do. And second, You said you read to calm yourself down when you're anxious?" I said.

"Yeah.  I do, why?" She asked me confused.

"What makes you anxious at home?"

"M-my parents arguing, because after they finish my dad comes into my room..." She stopped talking and looked away. "I was told not to talk about it...He wants everyone to think that were just a big happy family so he buys me books to keep me calm and not tell anyone..." She whispered softly.

I got up, and kissed her cheek. "Brendon and I will get your books back Okay? Please try to remain calm til we get back."

"Do you have a book I could read until y'all get back."

"I'll have Ryan take you to the library if you want." She nodded.

"Yes please." She said.

I smiled. "Ryan, take Rose to the library."

Ryan came and took Rose to the library, and Brendon and I went to her old house, I told him what she told me then sighs

"I knew she was hiding something from us." Brendon said then knocked on the front door and her dad answered the door, he saw me.

"You are the man that kidnapped my daughter." He said, I rolled my eyes.

"More like saved her from your abuse." I said he looked at Brendon, whom was holding a gun with black leather gloves on.

"What do you want? You already have the girl remember?" He said as he was about to shut the door but Brendon pushed the door open, and we went inside.

"She wants her books."

"I see, well you know where they are so what are you waiting for?" Her father asked.

"You're just letting us take the books?" I asked, because I was confused.

"Yeah why? She bought the books, I don't even care about how she feels." I punched him then went to her old room and boxed up her books and took them outside and then Brendon shot the father in the heart then the head.

Her mother asked me. "How is my daughter?"

"She'll be okay." I said then drove back home and brought the books to Rose's new room, she was on her bed reading a book.

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