A "kind" Punishment for Rose...

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Lucifer pov,

I sat up and was now sitting on Rose's legs. "Grant! You can come back in now. Bring Brendon in with you please."

Brendon and Grant walked in and anyone could tell that Rose was scared so I got off of her legs and just sat in front of her.

Grant and Brendon sat down on the bed as well, Grant sat by Rose protectively. "You both are in trouble for leaving this house." Rose stayed quiet and shivering from fear and sadness, you could tell that she was sad because tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Rose? Why are you crying?"

"All I wanted to do was go to school, if you would have let me go I would have been a good girl, and listened." She said with a sad face.

"I said no, because your school is at a stupid church!" I yelled at Rose, which made her jump.

Brendon looked at me, then Grant and Rose. "What are you going to do to punish Rose? Or I could do it for you?"

Rose backed away from Brendon in fear that he would hurt her. "Yeah, no you won't be punishing her, she disobeyed me not you, so leave her alone, on the other hand Grant broke a rule by helping her run away so it's your turn to punish him."

"Okay, Grant get up time to go to my room." Brendon said leaving me alone with Rose, whom was crying softly.

"Are you going to hurt me?" Rose asked quietly.

"No, I'm not going to hurt you. But there is something you need to know, Brendon punishes people in very well how do I say it without scaring you..." I looked at the wall and sighed. "He sometimes makes people have sex with him, or carves into their skin, or gives them a tattoo. That's why I didn't want him to punish you because you looked scared."

Rose looked at me with a terrified look on her face. "Hey, your going to be fine princess, just listen and be a good girl."

"Can I have a computer, so I could get an education?" She asked me.

"fine. Okay. But you still are getting both punished and grounded."

"Isn't that the same thing?" She asked.

"For normal people I guess it is, but not for us. Okay so your punishment is going to be that you can't leave this room unless you are hungry." I said, she nodded.

"But you won't hurt me right? Like you won't fuck me right?" She asked.

"Normally I would but, if you're too scared then I won't, okay?"

Rose sat on the edge of the bed. "So.... No one is allowed out of this house except for you?"

"No, you are allowed out you just have to ask. didn't we tell you the rules?" I asked, she frowned at me.

Rose shrugged. "So you're saying all I have to do is be good and I won't have to have sex?"

"No, Rose that's not how it works, we decide and you obey and be good." I said.

"Oh so even if we're good we'll still be punished? Okay gotcha then." Rose said and then laid down and just went to sleep.

Brendon pov,

We got to my room and I rolled my eyes and told Grant what to do.  "Get undressed now."

I was annoyed, I wanted to punish Rose. Lucifer is only doing this because Rose is pretty scared right now.

After a while he got on the bed so it wouldn't hurt his knees, I shoved myself into his ass, I went really hard because I was pissed off that Lucifer was being soft with her and not punishing her. "Brendon! Stop! It hurts, and you came like an hour ago!"

I rolled my eyes. "Go to sleep now, because I'm done now." I said and he laid down and fell asleep.

I sat there looking at the door wondering what Lucifer and Rose are doing.

Rose pov,

I was asleep when out of nowhere I felt arms wrap themselves around my body then legs around my waist, and breathing down my neck.

So I decided to turn around to see if Lucifer was awake and trying to fuck me, or asleep and wanting to cuddle me, and he was smiling in his sleep and pulled me closer and just held me tightly.

I fell back asleep with my head on his chest "I like you Rose, you are a very sweet girl." I heard him say as he was playing with my hair.

Grant pov,

I woke up around three O'Clock and saw that Brendon was missing so I went to use the bathroom and when I turned around to sit on the toilet, I saw Brendon standing in the shower letting the water run right down his body, After a while I as I was about to leave Brendon said. "Don't forget to flush the toilet."

I rolled my eyes and flushed the toilet and according to him the water went warmer. I left the bathroom and then left Brendon's room and sleepily started to walk to my room, and looked through my stuff, I still have my phone that I had before they took me.

I was about to text Skye that I needed her help, when out of nowhere I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Why are you doing this? Do you need more cum in your system?" Brendon whispered in Grant's ear. "Besides we both know that they don't miss you at all. Hell they're probably happy you are gone."

Brendon pulled me back to his room and shoved me onto my knees and he got in front of me and shoved his dick into my mouth.

Rose pov,

I woke up from a nightmare screaming. "HELP ME!" Lucifer sat up looking at me, confused.

"Rose, hey, hey you're fine. Nothing is going to happen to you. What's wrong?"

"A nightmare...."

"What happened?"

"in the nightmare I was alone with Brendon in his room and he started calling me names and I was tied up..." I explained, and Lucifer held me close.

"Sh, sh it's okay."

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