Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)

Start from the beginning

Y/n: *Sigh* Alright. Where do I start? 

Pyrrha: How about how you've been lying to us since we met. 

Jaune: Why didn't you just tell us?

Y/n: Oh yeah, "Hey, I'm a vigilante who's wanted in all four Kingdoms for a whole list of violent felonies." Would that have gone over well?

Jaune: Um, well.... No.

Y/n: Exactly. It's not that I don't trust you all, but the less people who know, the better. It's already out of hand with everyone who knows now. 

Nora: So why do you do it? 

Ren: You always have a hardline opinion when it comes to crime in general, what happened to make you decide to do it?

Y/n: Again. Where do I start?

Pyrrha: The beginning. 

And so I did. I reached for my cigarettes, opened the window to be courteous and told them everything. And I do mean everything. From the years with Ruby and Yang before that night with Tai. My time with Raven. Atlas, and everything I did in between now and then. The more I spoke the more they understood. At least I hope that their understanding. 

They never once interrupted my story. By the time I was finished, the sun was beginning to set and I needed new pack of cigarettes. Obviously, I left out certain bits, like exactly what I was wrapped up in now, magic, etcetera. I sat quietly, waiting for the verdict. If I was terrified before, it's got nothing on now. I think I would prefer to be on White Fang express again instead of this. Jaune was the first to speak up. 

Jaune: So that's why you look so much like Ruby, well except for the bit of white in the front. Ok, I think I get it, but why not just be a Huntsman? 

Y/n: Tai was a Huntsman. After what he did....

Ren: It's understandable that you would be adverse to the idea of becoming one.

Pyrrha: But why come to Beacon then.

Y/n: When I said that I had a offer I couldn't refuse, that was the truth. I couldn't say no.

Nora: So your being forced to attend?

Y/n: That's how it started, yes. But after all the time I've spent here with everyone, I'm glad that I was given the chance. 

Pyrrha: So you want to be a Huntsman now?

Y/n: No. I still don't believe that Huntsmen are effective. Not when crime ramps up when I disappear from one Kingdom to the next. It even happened when I spent those three weeks in the hospital after being blown up. Then the instant I make myself known again, it drops right back down. They don't fear Huntsmen because they know you have rules you have to follow.

They all digested what I had said. It was a undeniable truth that I have successfully gotten control of the crime here in Vale. What's also true is that the grip I hold on them is weak. The second they see that I'm gone, they all crawl back out of their holes. I don't have a solution for this nor do I think their is one. 

All I know is that things are going to go back to the way they were when I leave Vale. Provided I catch Cinder and her groupies dead to rights, I still have Salem to contend with. I won't always be here. When I'm gone, there's going to be hell to pay, and the police and Huntsmen aren't ready for it. Not by a mile. 

Pyrrha: Alright. I think we all understand the reasoning. But I still have one question.

Y/n: Go for it.

Pyrrha: Why go about it the way you have? Even if you don't want to be a Huntsman, you could have joined the police. Your fake identity was well maintained until last semester. I doubt that they would have found out about you.

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