Elijah ignored him. "She's a problem."

Klaus slammed the paintbrush down. His frustrations with people interrupting him are being brought out now by Elijah's insinuation that Bonnie is a problem that needs fixing. "If you want Henrik to ask for permission before leaving this house, done. I will talk to him about it, but you will not make his disobedience of your rules Bonnie's fault. She left this house because everyone in this house kept acting like she was the enemy."

"Talk to Henrik, Niklaus. Or I will handle this issue myself since it seems like you're the only person in this family who doesn't see the threat she is," Elijah finished.

Klaus sped in front of his brother, shielding him from it just as he had with Mina only minutes prior. "She is powerful and she can be a formidable ally to this family. Do you not see that? Do you think we will in peace and harmony just because Father is gone? Mother?"

"So that is what she is to you then. A means of power?"

"What she means to me is irrelevant tot his conversation!" Klaus bit back fast. "You will not touch her. I will speak to Henrik while you and everyone else in this bloody family do as I say. She will remain untouched!"

Elijah stood there for a couple of seconds, staring into his little brother's eyes. He had never seen so much passion in his eyes about another person, his own family included. "Since Father inspired our departure from every home we've acquired, I've done everything in my power to ensure that you feel a fraction of the hope, of the family, you felt when we were children. Before paranoia, before heartache, and before scandal. And standing in front of me, I think you've found it. In her."


Mina pulled up to her house, blasting "Persian Rugs" in her brand-new silver Lamborgini. The car shined in the sun, making it look like the heavens were peaking out from her windows. If Elyza hadn't shot her, she would've thanked her. She gave the Bennett a reason to buy a whole new car.

She pulled the keys out if their place in the cupholder, loving that her new car didn't require her to put a key in the ignition. She twisted the key ring in her hand, the purple front door key catching her eye. However, she know she had no use for it speaking that Bonnie had a bad habit of never locking the door.

Catching her by surprise, the door was locked when she twisted it. Smiling to herself, she realized that her stubborn cousin had finally learned to lock the door when she was home alone. Unlocking the door and pushing it open, she threw her keys and jacket on the side table with one swift move. The box in her hands still balancing in her left hand.

"Bon!" She called out. "I got donuts!" She lifted the box easily in the air, letting it float behind her. Her eyes moved over past the table where Henrik obviously had beat Bonnie again in chess. "Bonnie?"

She slipped out of the living room and looked around in the kitchen. Not seeing her there, she went down the hall to Bonnie's bedroom thinking the girl may have been asleep. Feeling something behind her, she gasped as she saw Bonnie's unconscious frame.

The box of donuts hit the floor, all twelve of them moving in different directions.

"Fuck! Bonnie, no!"

As hard as it was, she tried to force herself to remain calm. Her magic was sensitive so it wouldn't respond well to high emotions. She fell to the floor next to Bonnie's body, begging her ancestors to keep Bonnie breathing. When she couldn't feel a pulse, she tried a spell but for some reason, nothing was working.

Dialing the only person she knew would come quickly and be here in seconds, tears ran down her face.

"Mina, if–"

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