51. the end of us

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I heard talking and I heard the rumours. There was a mention of a fight and when I saw the ambulance approaching, I just knew that it was true. I didn't believe that Lexi was involved. Actually, at first I thought that it was her that had been hurt. I didn't think that she'd be capable of making someone bleed as much as she did.

And now I'm making my way out of here as classes have been cancelled. I start to walk towards the front of the building, wanting to take my usual route home. But as I walk out of there, I immediately notice a figure in the distance.

"Lexi!" I shout "Please, wait!"

She doesn't bother to turn around "Just go away! I don't care about what you have to say!"

"No, wait!" I shout.

"I don't want to talk to you right now!"

But instead of leaving her alone, I rush to catch up with her so that I can get some answers as to what happened earlier.

"Look, I said that I don't want to talk right now." She continues to to try to ignore me.

I'm now walking next to her and I can see just how annoyed she is. I also notice the bright red colour that's painted across her knuckles.

"But I want to talk!" I tell her.

She finally stops walking. She looks me in the eye and I finally get to see her face. She has blood all over her, one of her eyes bruised and unable to open completely. My heart races as I look at a version of Lexi that I don't recognise.

"So, talk! Tell me that you hate me, that I'm a disappointment! Tell me that I'm evil and that I deserve to go to hell for what I did today!" She screams at me.

"I wasn't going to say that."

"So what were you going to say then?! That you feel bad for me and that you forgive me? Is that what you were going to say, Sophie?!"

"Huh?!" She shouts, stepping closer to me.

I gulp "Why are you talking to me like this?"

"Oh, grow up Sophie!" She shouts, rolling her eyes at me "Seriously, grow up! You just can't handle the fact that I'm dangerous and that you fell in love with the wrong person!"

"No, I didn't! I- I don't know what you're talking about."

She rolls her eyes again, continuing to hurt me with her words "Well, I know what I'm talking about! I'm talking about the fact that you don't know me at all! You don't know who I am, what my life is like and what I've gone through!"

She continues "Your life is just rainbows and sunshine, Sophie! You have a big house, everything that you could possibly want and parents that'll kiss your ass! You don't know anything about me!"

I can feel my hands begin to shake as I watch as the girl that I love talks to me like she doesn't even care about how I feel anymore. I see the anger on her face as she screams at me, telling me about how we're so different.

But I've always known that we're so different! I knew it from the start yet it never stopped me from falling in love with her. I wish she would just let me understand her a little more yet she won't.

"It doesn't matter that we're different." I try to convince her.

She scoffs "But it really does. You know, I wanted a girlfriend that would actually be down to fuck! You're just this innocent, fragile little girl who's too scared to open her legs! I think that it's time that you realise that I deserve more than that!"

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