11. i'll teach you

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I look around Sophie's room and it's quite like I'd imagined. Her walls are pink, so is her duvet, and she still has stuffed animals lying on her bed. Truthfully, I don't even think I've owned a stuffed animal before! My mom didn't care to buy me things that young children wanted at that age.

I can tell that her parents love her. She's given everything that she could possibly want and more.

"So, this is my room..." Sophie shows me her room, nervously, her cheeks turning a little pink.

"It's cute! I love how you still sleep with Tinkerbell!" I joke.

She covers her face slightly "Stoppp. They're from my childhood, I didn't want to give them away."

I giggle a little, trying to stop her from feeling embarrassed "No, it's cute! I like how your room is, it's really pretty."

She gestures for me to sit beside her on her bed and I happily make myself at home as I throw myself onto it. I hear as she giggles a little as I do that. But then after that, we both sit in silence, and I can tell that she's really nervous.

But then she breaks the silence by saying to me "My parents won't be back till after midnight. They're going out for a meal together." She tells me.

"Oh, that's good. It's good that they're getting some time together." I nod, sensing that there's some tension between her parents at the moment.

And then she asks me what I've also been meaning to ask her "So... what do you wanna do tonight?"

I notice that she has a TV on the other side of her room and because I don't have one in mine, I kind of want to flick through some channels to see what's on there.

"Do you wanna turn on your TV and see if there's anything good on there?" I ask her, hoping that she'll say yes.

She nods "Yeah, yeah sure!"

After a while, I find myself getting slightly bored. Sophie had turned on some movie about a kid who'd created a magical land in his mind. It seemed interesting at first but now I want nothing more than for her to turn it off.

So I decide to distract her by saying "I'm sorry that I didn't get you anything for your birthday."

She doesn't look mad at me "It's okay. Plus, you got me the Gameboy the other week. That can be your present to me. I'm happy with that."

"Oh, yeah. I just didn't want you to think that I forgot or that I don't care about you enough to buy you a gift." I try to convince her that I definitely wouldn't forget about her birthday.

"No, I know. It's okay." She smiles at me.

Even though I'm not the most confident person on the planet, I decide to make a move with her because I can't hold back the way she makes me feel...

So I say to her "But I have a perfect way that I can make up for not bringing you a gift today..."

She giggles, innocently "W-what is it?"

"Have you ever had sex before?" I ask her, not holding back.

I notice her eyes widening slightly as I ask her that question. Obviously, I know what her answer is going to be but I just like to joke around a little with her.

"N-no." She tells me, the look on her face showing me that she's confused by my question, like the answer should be obvious.

It is.

"Good." I reply with, edging a little closer to her "I'll teach you..."

She looks nervous but I stop her from working herself up about it as I press my lips against hers, the both of us beginning to kiss. And I rest my hand on the back of her head, pulling her in closer to me so that I can have more of her.

And after a while of doing that, I decide to move things along as I can't wait any longer.

"Lay on your back." I tell her, already breathless.

She moves her body up towards the top of her bed before hesitantly laying back with her head resting against her pillows.

I can tell that she's nervous so I try to calm her down a little "Don't worry, I was scared my first time too. It's normal."

"O- oh- okay?" She nods her head to show that she's listening to me.

And then I decide to ask her another question "So, I guess you've never had a girl go down on you before?"

She shakes her head "No, I haven't."

I rest my hands on both of her knees, before gently pushing them apart so that I can have my head between her legs.

But before I do that, I make sure to ask her if it's okay, by saying "Uhm... are you sure? I don't want to rush things if it's not what you want. I mean, we've only been getting to know each other for like a month. If it's too soon then I totally get it."

But instead of her agreeing that it's too soon to be doing things that are so intimate, she says "No, I wanna do it, Lex."

"Well, I'm all yours." I wink, before pulling her shorts off of her body, followed by the pink frilly underwear that she was wearing.

She's the only girl I've hooked up with who still wears the days of the week panties. And I think it might've been the wrong day...

I pull the covers over my head as I begin to lick her with my tongue. She jolts a little, probably in shock, before finally relaxing into it. And I make sure to grab the back of her legs so that I can pull myself in closer to her.

I mean, I'm no expert at this but I think I'm doing a good job.

She makes a few noises but apart from that she's mostly silent. I don't mind though. I didn't make any noises my first time, I was mostly just taking it all in. But then as I feel her legs clench a little, I take it as my queue to stop.

I push the covers away from me, looking into her eyes "D-did you come?"

She looks unsure, but she replies with "Uhm- I- I think so. I don't k-."

"You don't have to be embarrassed if you did!" I giggle, trying to make her feel more comfortable.

A faint smile appears on her face "Oh, okay!"

Realising how nervous she is about the whole thing, I want to help her relax, so I gesture for her to get closer to me "Come here."

She lifts herself up slightly so that she can lay in my arms.

I want to be gentle with her because none of my exes were ever gentle with me. When I'd went down on Isabella for the first time, it ended with her throwing her things across the room, barely missing me. And my friend Katie kicked me out after we'd drunkenly slept together.

"You know how much I like you, right?" Is the first thing I say to to Sophie after what has just gone down.

She turns her head "I think so."

I continue rambling on about my feelings for her because I feel quite vulnerable right now "Because you'll always have me, Soph. I'm not one of those girls that cheat or would break your heart. I would never hurt you and I want you to know that..."

She nods, hopefully understanding me "I- I know."

"Good, now come here!" I say, pulling her in even closer to me.

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