39. apology accepted

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Class has just finished and I decided to change my clothes before I head home. But as soon as I walk into the locker room, I immediately notice Sophie standing near her locker. This is the first time I've seen her since we got back home and I know that I have some apologising to do.

I walk closer to her, getting her attention "Sophie."

She turns her head "Oh, I didn't know anyone was gonna be in here. Aren't you meant to be in class?"

I shake my head "No, I finished early. The rest of the girls are heading off but I was gonna change my clothes."

She nods her head slowly, looking over my body "Okay, go ahead then."

I walk directly over to her, changing my clothes beside her. She doesn't say anything to me though and it's quite awkward. There's only me and her in the room and the silence is killing me.

So because there's so much tension between us right now, I decide to apologise to her "Look, Soph, I'm sorry! I kind of did something to piss my dad off and he took away my phone. I tried to tell you this but you didn't answer any of my texts. I guess I deserve it though."

Instead of accepting my apology and replying to me, she instead continues giving me the silent treatment.

"Oh come on, Soph!" I start to feel agitated "It was only a few days! If you really felt that upset about it then why didn't you call me the day I got my phone back?!"

She shakes her head, not bothering to speak to me.

"So you're just gonna act like a baby and whine because I didn't text you?!" I express just how annoyed I am with the way that she's acting.

"Okay then, have it your way." I roll my eyes at her.

But just as I'm packing away my things to leave, I start to notice a smirk appearing on her face. And as I watch her closely, I begin to realise that she's laughing quietly. Is this some kind of joke to her?

"What?" I ask her, not understanding what's going on.

And then she begins to laugh loudly "You're face! You should've seen your face!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm kidding!" She laughs "You really thought that I was mad at you!"

I breathe a sigh of relief as I realise that she's not actually mad at me "For fuck sake, Sophie! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Oh, but you should've seen your face though!" She continues to laugh "You were almost pooping your pants!"

I walk around the room, bringing my hands up to my head as I take in the fact that all is going to be okay between the two of us.

And then I hear her say "So you're dad confiscated your phone then, huh?"

"Yeah. I kicked over his beer and ruined our rug so he was in a rage! Fucking cunt!" I lie.

Sophie's eyes widen "Wow, he really punished you for that?"

Of course my dad wouldn't have given me a minor punishment for something like that. If I'd of actually made such a mess of his house then he would've probably killed me! If not murder then I would've hit me or he would've starved me out for a few days.

"Yeah, and he hasn't spoken to me since." I tell her "I think it makes him feel powerful or something."

Sophie seems to understand "Yeah, my mom does that sometimes. She gives me the silent treatment if I don't pass my exams."

"At least I don't have shit like that to worry about." I tell her, talking about how I dropped out of school and never bothered to go back

I then watch as Sophie turns her back to me as she attempts to grab her bag so that she can head home. But because I haven't seen her in a while, and because I'm so fucking horny, I decide to do something that will stop her from leaving.

I push her body against the locker, hearing her shriek out of excitement.

She giggles "What are you going?!"

"I don't know, I just missed you." I talk much quieter now, leaning my own body into the back of hers.

I begin to kiss the back of her neck, hearing sounds of enjoyment from her which only makes me even more desperate for her. I would fuck right here but I wouldn't want Isabella or one of her friends walking in on our sex. So even though I want to, I try to hold back.

"What if someone walks in?" She asks me.

"Shhh." I quieten her.

I continue to kiss her neck, my hand now exploring her body. I then rub her over her tights, hearing her moaning in response.

"What? You want me to get you off right here?" I ask her, teasing her.

She shakes her head a little, giggling at my question "Lexi, we're in the locker room!"

But I continue to tease her body, rubbing one finger up and down her crotch which I know that she enjoys. I know that she wants more as I can hear her trying to hold back making any noise yet she fails to do so.

But then she stops the fun by saying "Okay, we really gotta stop. Plus, my moms is on her way and I don't want to be late."

I roll my eyes "Okay. So I guess we won't be walking together tonight."

"My mom wants me home early since our routines are changing because of the baby." She admits to me.

I nod "Yeah, I get it."

But then she says "But you could catch a ride with us! I'm sure that my mom won't mind since we'll probably be passing your way anyway."

I hesitate, not wanting anyone to go out of their way for me "I don't wanna put anymore stress on her."

Sophie shakes her head "No, it's okay, I promise!"

Because I actually really want to be driven home, I agree to go with her "Okay, let's get going then."

I'm obviously not happy with the way that I was treated by Sophie's mom at the hospital a few days ago. But I think that maybe she just doesn't trust me yet. I mean, Sophie and Hailey have been friends for years so it probably took her a while to gain her trust. I just hope that within time she'll begin to trust me too.

So I grab my bag too, following Sophie out of the locker room so that we can both go home.

"Hurry up!" Sophie rushes ahead, clearly not wanting to be late.

I giggle "I am! I am!"

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