45. graduation day

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Today is the day that I finally get to graduate. I've put so much time and effort into my exams as I want to be accepted into college. I'm honestly so excited for my future but I just hope that my hard work pays off.

Now I'm just waiting to be called up onto the stage.

"I hope I look good for the cameras." Hailey says, fixing her hair.

"They're taking photos?!" I ask, slightly panicked as I wasn't prepared for that.

Hailey replies with "No, I don't think so. My dad brought his camera"

"Hailey, you got me worried there! You know that I'm so awkward in front of cameras." I bring my hand up to my forehead.

I find it hard to hear Hailey right now because of the loud noises coming from behind the curtains. The auditorium is full of parents waiting to watch their children walk onto the stage. I just keep wondering whether my mom will be able to make it today.

"Is your mom coming?" Hailey asks me, almost like she could read my mind.

I shrug "I don't know. Mum said that she was but I can never be sure. She'll probably find a way out of it, she always does."

"Cheer up!" Hailey rests her hand on my shoulder "At least I was here to see you graduate!"

I furrow my brows "You're literally graduating yourself."

"So? I'm still here, aren't I?" She smiles, clearly trying her best to make me feel better right now.

"Yeah, I guess." I roll my eyes.

"See! It doesn't matter who's out there. I'm your best friend and I'm here for you!" She says to me.

"Thanks." I thank her.

Time goes on and the line in front of me shortens. I take in deep breaths as I prepare for my name to be called. Hailey is then summoned onto the stage and I know that I'm next. But it's amazing to see her be celebrated as I know that she has worked so hard for this too.

And as I'm applauding my best friend, I hear the sound of my name being called "Sophie Elizabeth Baldesarra."

I think it's my turn.

So I walk directly onto the stage, mustering up a smile so that I look grateful to be accepting my award. But it's hard to look happy when all I can think about is whether my mom is here to support me.

So I scan the audience, my heart aching when I only see my mum in the audience. I notice an empty seat beside her so I realise that mom must not have shown up. I should've known. But I smile anyway because this should be a happy day.

"Congratulations, Sophie!" My principal says as I shake his hand, accepting my award.

After the ceremony is over, I grab my things so that I can meet up with my mum. Walking over to where she told me to meet her, I have a gloomy look on my face. But as I lift my head, I see my mom standing with her along with my sister.

"Mom?" I ask, confused "I didn't think that you were coming?"

"Why would I miss this? It's your graduation!"

I furrow my brows "But I looked out into the audience and I didn't see you. I only saw an empty chair instead."

She sighs "Yeah, that was my seat. Harper was making a fuss so I stood at the back of the room with her."

"So you saw me graduate?!" I ask her, a smile appearing on my face.

"Of course I did!" She seems so happy right now "You made me so proud today..."

Both mum and I both look surprised by mom's mood. Because usually she'll be distracted and moping yet today she actually seems proud of me.

"Thank you." I thank her "I was so nervous up there."

"You did great, Soph." Mum then says to me.

All of a sudden, I hear a loud squeal and I feel Hailey wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm so proud of you!" Hailey expresses whilst squeezing me.

I giggle "I'm so proud of you too!"

And then I hear mum say to the both of us "Well I think this calls for a celebration, don't you? How about pizza?"

Both Hailey and I scream in unison "Yessss!"

And then Hailey says "I'm just gonna let my dad know then I'll be ready to go!"

"We'll meet you outside." Mom tells her.

I watch as Hailey rushes off to ask for permission to leave with us. But there's not a doubt in my mind that she'll be able to come as Hailey's parents are always happy for her to be with us.

We then begin to make our way out of the building, both of my parents walking directly in front of me. Mom pushes my sister's stroller, clearly wanting to help out. My mum has been really tired recently but she never lets that affect me. I just wish that I was as strong as her.

But just as I'm about to get distracted by my phone, I notice something that gets my attention.

I watch as my mom whispers something into mum's ear, the both of them immediately giggling afterwards. They talk secretively, clearly gossiping about something.

I'm able to make out mum saying "You're crazy." whilst her smile never drops.

I then watch as the both of them lock lips and it takes me by surprise. It's been a while since I've seen them look this happy together and I just wish that it could last forever. Sometimes, my mom will act like everything is okay but then the next day it'll be like her world is falling apart.

I don't understand her. I heard them mentioning bipolar but I don't know a lot about that.

"I'm here! Sorry, my dad made me take like a hundred photos with my certificate." Hailey appears.

"Are you ready to go?" Mum asks her.

Hailey nods "I have to be home by eight but I can come for pizza!"

"Yes!" I express how happy that makes me feel, bumping her fist with mine.

"Come on then kids, let's get going." Mom says.

"Beat you to the car!" I then hear Hailey shout, running ahead of me.

"Hey, wait up!" I decide to chase her.

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