thirteen; we broke up

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I stare at him with a blank face. "Excuse me?"

"Mikey," he says without hesitation.

"We broke up. I'm not his girl anymore," I tell him.

"You should tell him that, then."

I look at Calum and then at Louis and Harry. "Why is he here?" I ask them.

Calum sighs. "What do you want, Zayn?"

"I just want to talk to her. Is that a crime?"

"Yeah, it is, when you're the reason why we broke up," I tell him, getting very annoyed.

"Listen," he starts, "I'm sorry, okay? It was fucked up for me to say shit like that to him. I didn't think he would take it seriously," he tries to explain himself, but I'm not buying it.

I roll my eyes. "Sure, whatever."

"I'm serious. He's my best friend and I had never seen him get so hung up on a girl before, so I said some stupid shit," he continues to explain.

"It's true," Louis says. "He's never acted like that before."

I sigh. "And?" I ask Zayn.

"I just we wanted it to be the boys again and now that it is, I hate it. All he does is either fucking whine about missing you or he's with that airhead, blonde girl, who I can't stand," he goes on. "As much as I hate saying it, he needs you back."

Calum nods. "It's true."

"So then why didn't you tell me?" I yell at him. "Calum, I've been sitting around, crying over his stupid ass for weeks and you couldn't have mentioned that he was upset, too?"

He put his hands up surrendering. "He said not to say anything to you and I didn't want to get my ass kicked. Plus, he doesn't deserve you, Bri, he should suffer."

"It was for your own benefit," Harry adds.

I groan and turn back to Zayn. "So what do you want? My forgiveness so you can sleep at night?"

He shakes his head. "I want you to get back together with him."

I laugh. "He's made it perfectly clear to me that's he's moved on, regardless of what he apparently does behind closed doors. And even if I did get back together with him, you'd probably go telling him something else about me and we'd just break up again."

"Listen, I'm trying to do a nice thing here," he says, obvious getting annoyed, "so you don't have to be so bitchy about it. I said I was sorry."

I roll my eyes. "You don't want to see me as a bitch because then you really regret it. So why don't you just leave me alone because I have had it with you," I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and stands up. "I don't even know why the fuck he's crying over you. He's better without your annoying ass."

"Fuck you," I tell him, standing up and getting defensive. I roll my eyes. "Maybe if you weren't such a dick to begin with, I wouldn't be bitchy."

Zayn smirks at me. "Although, you are quiet the pain in the ass, I will gladly take you up in that offer."

My fist ball up at my sides. I have had it with this kid. First he tries to be nice and tell me that he's sorry for breaking Michael and me up and now he's just being a piece of shit. As if I would ever do anything with him. Just breathing the same air with him is disgusting me right now.

Calum grabs my wrist. "Bri, stop," he says calmly.

"Yeah," Zayn says, "why don't you stop trying to fight with me and go watching Mikey and his new girlfriend shove their tongues down each other's throats right outside the gym doors. I passed them on the way in and he didn't even look up."

murder // m.c.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ