Destiny in Inkopolis:

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(About Y/N:) ~

Y/N is a 16 year old I/O (Inkling/Octoling) that lives in Inkopolis, They have the strength and skill that could even match up to the legendary, the unstoppable, and the idiotic.. Team Blue..

Y/N had practiced for around 2 years at this point.. and was really skilled in battle.. But nobody has sensed their skill.. yet..

As they had always been in team blues shadow.. whenever Y/N did something great.. it was always left unrecognized.. this was always unfortunate for Y/N..  but this is only the start of a new story.. just for Y/N..

Key-Words: ~

Y/N = Your Name

I/O = Inkling/ Octoling

F/W = Favorite Weapon

*Tysm and enjoy the chapter!!!*

(*3rd person view*)

"Oh shoot, I'm gonna miss the train!" Y/N shouted to themselves.. realizing that they were side tracked for around 7 minutes..

Then Y/N said.. "I have get there before its too late..!" and like that.. Y/N dashed out of their apartment towards the train station.. luckily it wasn't that far away.. 

Suddenly Y/N got stuck in a crowd in front of the train station.. there was a bit of a crowd around here.. so Y/N shoved some people out of the way and ran towards the train and made it on at perfect timing..

They went to their usually spot and sat down, but then overheard some familiar voices.. the.. S4 and Rider!? I had no idea they also took this train.. but they started talking..

"Hey, has anyone seen Goggles for the past few days..?" Rider asked the group.

"No I haven't, not even a single word.." Army said and then Aloha got a notification..

"I have-.." Aloha said as he was checking his text message and it was from Goggles..

"Where is he..?" Rider asked..

"He just told me that they've been hanging in Splatsville for a while.." Aloha said..

"Oh.. okay.. well.. does logic say that we follow him..?" Skull asked..

"Well he shouldn't get to control our lives.. we could live here.. Goggles free.. Finally.." Rider said and the rest of them agreed..

"So that means were practically back to the way we were a few years ago..? Undefeated..?" Skull asked the group..

Then that sparked something in Y/N's mind.. what if.. just what if.. they followed team blue's footsteps and defeated everyone..?

Before Y/N could finish thinking.. the train had already arrived in Inkopolis Square..

The doors were about to close and Y/N dashed towards the exit.. unfortunately tripping and falling on the ground.. at least their arms caught them.. after they barely made it out the door..

(*2nd person*)

Luckily.. it was only some slight bruises on your arms.. and you got up only to see the S4 and Rider nearby.. Rider staring into your soul..

This got you a bit nervous.. and it showed on your face.. 

You did notice this and grabbed your bag.. and headed towards the lobby at a fast pace..

Rider did notice this, but didn't approach you and stayed with the S4.. congrats.. you got lucky..


You are battling some random team.. that you were queued against.. and once again.. your are on your own.. likely because you have no teammates.. but then you noticed up at the viewing area.. there he was.. S+ Ranker Rider.. watching your match..

You tried to ignore him to the best of your ability.. and it worked.. you did amazing and got a 55.3% to 39.6%.. that's pretty well done for a 1v4.. especially that you won..

You decided to exit the lobby and grab a burger to help your apatite..

(*1st person*)

I took a seat at a booth alone.. again.. I ordered my burger and waited.. silently..

I looked outside the window after staring down at the table for a bit.. I noticed a dark.. shadow.. figure move outside.. and I closed my eyes.. and opened them to find it gone.. so I decided to just stare at the empty booth again.. only to find Rider sitting in front of me..

"..Hello.." I said a bit.. nervously..

"Hello.. Y/N.."

This caught me off guard.. how did he know my name..?

" are too stunned to speak..?" Rider then asked..

And I just proceeded to nod..

"I need you to listen for a second.. you got that..?" Rider wanted confirmed with me.

Once again, I replied with a nod..

"Well.. ever since I saw you by the train station.. I have been keeping a close eye on you.. until it was around time for me to confront you personally.."

I didn't even know what to do.. he's practically been stalking me..? But then I decided to ask..

"What exactly do you want to confront me about..?" I asked..

"You have some serious talent.. I'm actually surprised that nobody knew of your existence.."

This made my heart feel warm.. but I knew that there was something else he came for..

"Oh.. um... thanks...?" I said..

He sighed.. "You're welcome.. but there's one more thing.."


"I would like to battle you.." - Rider

And that's the first chapter done!! I hope you liked reading it! More is on the way soon! - BH

Total Words: 812

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