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I'm not sure when, but I somehow managed to go to sleep.

My alarm goes off and I go about my usual morning routine. I make my bed, brush my teeth and head downstairs to make some coffee and cereal. As I make my way down the stairs, still half asleep, the smell of pancakes reaches my nose and as I get to the kitchen, I have to rub my eyes underneath my glasses to make sure what I'm seeing isn't a dream.

Megumi has his back to me, standing in front of the stove, a stack of pancakes already made to perfection on a plate next to him—the shirt I gave him to borrow hugs his shoulders and is looser around his waist. I can see his upper back muscles move underneath the thin shirt as he pokes and flips the pancakes. I'm undetected until my stomach growls embarrassingly loud.

Megumi turns around and gives me a once-over before turning back to the stove, taking a golden pancake and setting it on top of the other finished ones. "Good morning, sunshine."

"Good... morning," I start, making my way over to him. "I didn't even know I had pancake mix."

"You don't, but you had the ingredients."

"These are from scratch?" I exclaim, staring down at the stack. Megumi shrugs as if it's not a big deal.

"It smells amazing," I say, standing closer to him as I watch him flip the pancakes with ease. "Do you need help with anything?"

A small smile appears on his lips but he shakes his head. "I'm almost done, but thank you."

I nod and head over to the coffee maker instead to get it ready but find a pot already made. I whip around to see Megumi with a smirk on his face. I open one of the cabinets to grab a coffee mug and pour myself a cup, adding the usual things to make it how I like.

"I can make you some tea?" I offer to Megumi. "I think I have tea bags around here somewhere."

"No thanks, I'll just have some coffee."

I make a face, "I thought you didn't like coffee?"

"When did I say that?" He asks as he comes over to me. I quickly grab another mug from the cabinet and move out of the way so he can pour his own cup.

"Well— you didn't... but I assumed you didn't like it when you got Earl Grey that one time at the coffee shop," I explain, suddenly feeling fidgety with him so close. He pours his cup and adds some creamer before taking a sip.

"I like both and I guess I was in the mood for tea instead that time."

"Huh," I respond, holding the mug with both hands, letting the cup's warmth wake me up a little bit. I look up at Megumi to find him already watching me. "How'd you sleep?" I ask, making my way over to the counter to grab a plate. The pancakes look heavenly and I excitedly start grabbing a few.

I don't hear him for a few seconds but then he clears his throat behind me, and I feel the hair on my neck bristle, knowing how close he is. He's not touching me, just standing there close enough that I can feel his warmth. The tension from last night has not dissipated and I remind myself to breathe.

"Fine," he says, reaching over me to add two more pancakes to my plate. His response is clipped, and I feel there's more to it but instead, he asks, "how'd you sleep?"

I inhale, his voice now right next to my ear, and goosebumps ripple across my skin. I don't even think he knows he's doing this to me. I move out of his space, starting to get dizzy and walk around the counter to sit down. "I slept well, thanks for asking."

I break eye contact and begin loading my pancakes with syrup. I remembered I cut strawberries a few days ago and I got up to get them from the fridge. Megumi and I eat in silence when I sit back down, sometimes talking about random things. I think I complimented him on the pancakes at least 100 times, to which he just brushed them off. They were delicious, so light and fluffy. They melted on my tongue and before I knew it, my plate was empty. I finish my second cup of coffee and with a grin, I look over at Megumi. "Thank you for breakfast. It was delicious."

This Side of Paradise (Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now