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The final bell rings and I walk with Nobara from class. She rambles on about basketball season finally starting soon and I remind her for the hundredth time, yes, we will be there to watch the first game this Saturday. I see Yuuji first, off to the side, chatting with Maki. They are an interesting duo, but observing how their personalities mix is fun. Nobara peels off and joins them in conversation while I wave to Toge.

He's quiet most of the time but every once in a while, he'll whisper something under his breath that makes me double over in laughter. Toge Inumaki, who is in the same grade as Maki, knows Megumi from work. Megumi told me they've worked there together for a while and have become good work friends. When Megumi asked if Toge wanted to hang out with us, he gladly accepted and has been around ever since.

"Hey guys!" A booming voice says from behind me. Speaking of being around ever since... and in the same grade as Maki and Toge, Panda walks his way over with a giant grin. Panda is a football player and a big one at that. While his giant hands, round belly, and chubby cheeks make him look like a Panda, his fearfulness in the game and laidback, goofy attitude solidified the nickname. I've known him for a while but finally got to know him better when he took a ceramics class. He would spend extra time trying to practice on the wheel while I painted. It's been fun and he's dramatically improved. Just yesterday, he made a beautiful vase. Panda has amazing athletic talent and could definitely play football in college. But his main passion is animals and he wants to go to school to be a veterinarian.

"Hey," I smile and Panda wraps me in a big bear hug.

"Have you gotten an acceptance letter yet?" He asks me once he's let go.

I sigh, "No. But hopefully soon."

I still haven't gotten a letter from Westbrook but it should come in the next few days.

"You'll get in. There's no doubt about it," Maki says with confidence. Toge nods in agreement. "You're the most talented artist I know."

"Oh, stop that," I say, my cheeks getting hot.

"It's true," Maki says, draping her arm over my shoulder. "You have nothing to worry about."

We've formed a little group over these past few weeks and while we all have different goals and passions, we're all there for each other. To have genuine friends like these guys makes my heart happy.

"Worry about this instead," Maki says as she rubs her knuckle into my scalp. With a laugh, I try to squirm away but it's useless once Maki has you in her grip.

"Stop harassing my girlfriend," a deep voice says and I feel my skin tingle.

Maki snorts but lets me go and stands by Nobara. "I wasn't harassing her."

"Right," Megumi says as he walks over to me, a small smile on his face.

"Hi," I say, running my fingers through my hair in an attempt to fix it after Maki's attack.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Already?" Nobara asks.

Megumi shrugs, "It's the weekend."

"You don't wanna hang out with your beloved friends?" Yuuji pouts.

Megumi looks like he's about to respond with something snarky so I pull him away before he can. "We'll see you guys at the game tomorrow!" I exclaim as we walk away.

They wave and once we are out of the building, Megumi interlaces our fingers and we walk to my car. Once we get in, Megumi pulls my face to his and we meet in a soft kiss.

This Side of Paradise (Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now