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I've been thinking of a game plan since I got home yesterday to make Megumi feel more comfortable for the next study session. Even though I blurted out the change in location on a whim, I think it would be better for both of us. Tutoring me was something Megumi did not sign up for and since I feel partially responsible for the inconvenience, I figured out what I wanted to do. 

So, once my last class ends, I quickly zip over to the snack line. I buy two fruit smoothies and go to the library, hoping Megumi will be okay with at least one of the flavors.

When I called Brett late yesterday night to tell him about the whole tutor situation, he was agitated to say the least. He always seemed to be against me talking to or hanging out with other guys. It's sweet that he's so protective and caring but sometimes it can be a little much. When I told him specifically that Megumi Fushiguro was my tutor, he was very quick to say I should try to find someone else or even completely drop the class altogether.

To be fair, Megumi wasn't my first choice either. That sentiment didn't seem too one-sided based on how things went down in Gojo's classroom, so in the end, I wasn't really that upset or offended by Megumi's reaction.

As I was making a game plan, I realized I'd known Megumi since we were in kindergarten. It's a small town so for the most part, everyone is friends with each other or at the very least, knows each other. So because I've known him, I don't see it as a big deal that he's helping me. If Gojo says Megumi knows what he's doing, that's all I care about. My main goal is to improve my grade and apply to Horizon State with Brett. Megumi and I have never had any issues, so what are a few hours a week of tutoring? I could handle that.

Megumi used to be involved in fights all the time in middle school. Everyone would say, "did you hear what happened this time?" or "Fushiguro just hit him out of nowhere!" It seemed at least once a day, you heard something that happened with Megumi. From what I can tell, he's definitely mellowed out since getting into high school. Now he mainly stays to himself since because of his past, he doesn't have many, if any friends.

After hyping myself up for the walk from the cafeteria to the library, I walk into the large room filled with many bookshelves and desks and easily spot Megumi sitting at a 4-chair table with his papers already out. He's writing something down aggressively in a notebook but when he hears my approaching footsteps, he quickly shuts it.

"Hey, I wasn't sure what flavor smoothie you would like so you can choose between strawberry banana or blueberry mango," I start with a smile, still standing but holding my arms out so he can grab whichever one he wants.

He looks between the sealed foam cups then to me before turning back to his paper. "No thanks."

I frown, "do you not like these flavors? I didn't think you would like the orange option since the last time I had it, it was way too chalky."

"I don't want anything from you," he says without looking up. I exhale softly and rethink what I want to say.

"I feel like yesterday we got off on the wrong foot..." I start, shifting my weight from one foot to another. "It's obvious you don't want to be here, which is totally reasonable. But I promise I'll do my best and get my grade up as fast as I can."

He looks up at me again, the same emotionless expression, yet I hold out my arm again with a soft smile. "I hoped we could start over, so I brought a peace offering."

He seems to mull my words over in his head for a second before reaching out and grabbing the blueberry mango smoothie. He takes a sip, sets down the cup says, "fine."

This Side of Paradise (Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now